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Releases: trinitrotoluene/mcmirror

Rewrite: Command execution, resolvers and more

24 Jan 16:07
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  • Added rich support for Discord message attachments
  • Commands moved into subcommands under /mirror
  • All discord mentions are now cleaned by default
  • When given a guild_id all channel, role and user mentions are now cleanly resolved
  • Guild emotes (animated and static) are cleaned to :emotename: representation
  • Added remote-execution module (beta)
    • Customisable default permissions
    • Designate an "op" role
    • Execute Minecraft commands via Discord
  • Customisable bot status, show your MOTD, server version, and/or player counts the way you want to!
  • Added new system event hooks:
    • User kicked
    • Preprocesses /me command to mirror the response
  • Configuration overhaul, config now groups related settings logically
    • Internally defaults are provided whenever possible to increase resilience against bad configs
  • Made the Discord message formats customisable, and allow System and User messages to be formatted differently
  • Fully customisable webhook presences


  • All mentions are now escaped properly
  • Internal rewrite to produce saner stacktraces if things do break

Bugfix: Escape all mentions

18 Dec 17:58
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This patch prevents users from sending mentions through the Discord webhook.

Feature Update: Whitelists, Commands & Rotating Webhooks

08 Dec 16:14
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config.yml - "webhook" moved to "webhooks", is now possible to provide a list of urls to rotate though for high-message-rate servers.
config.yml - "roles" and "channels" whitelist added for controlling access to Discord -> Minecraft mirroring.
config.yml - "prefix" moved to "format", see comments in file for more information
plugin.yml - new commands
        Enable mirroring without starting a new gateway session
        Disable mirroring without killing the gateway session
        Kill the underlying connection to Discord (useful during outages or saving resources when disabling for a longer time)
        Reconnect the underlying connection to Discord.
        Get the current connection status
plugin.yml - new permissions
        All commands (OP)
        Access the /mirrorstatus command (OP)
        Have your messages mirrored -> Discord (ALL)


SemVer: config.yml and commands changed in a breaking way, bumping to 2.0.0


Delete or rename your old configuration, allow the plugin to generate a new one, fill out all fields- check comments in the file for what's required.


07 Dec 17:13
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Initial commit