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Implement CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE for delta lake connector
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Praveen2112 committed Mar 20, 2024
1 parent ff55da4 commit e11de06
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Showing 11 changed files with 756 additions and 44 deletions.

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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.OptionalLong;

import static;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeColumnType.PARTITION_KEY;
Expand All @@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ public class DeltaLakeOutputTableHandle
private final ColumnMappingMode columnMappingMode;
private final OptionalInt maxColumnId;
private final String schemaString;
private final boolean replace;
private final OptionalLong readVersion;
private final ProtocolEntry protocolEntry;

Expand All @@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ public DeltaLakeOutputTableHandle(
@JsonProperty("schemaString") String schemaString,
@JsonProperty("columnMappingMode") ColumnMappingMode columnMappingMode,
@JsonProperty("maxColumnId") OptionalInt maxColumnId,
@JsonProperty("replace") boolean replace,
@JsonProperty("readVersion") OptionalLong readVersion,
@JsonProperty("protocolEntry") ProtocolEntry protocolEntry)
this.schemaName = requireNonNull(schemaName, "schemaName is null");
Expand All @@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ public DeltaLakeOutputTableHandle(
this.schemaString = requireNonNull(schemaString, "schemaString is null");
this.columnMappingMode = requireNonNull(columnMappingMode, "columnMappingMode is null");
this.maxColumnId = requireNonNull(maxColumnId, "maxColumnId is null");
this.replace = replace;
this.readVersion = requireNonNull(readVersion, "readVersion is null");
this.protocolEntry = requireNonNull(protocolEntry, "protocolEntry is null");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +156,18 @@ public OptionalInt getMaxColumnId()
return maxColumnId;

public boolean isReplace()
return replace;

public OptionalLong getReadVersion()
return readVersion;

public ProtocolEntry getProtocolEntry()
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ public interface DeltaLakeMetastore

void createTable(Table table, PrincipalPrivileges principalPrivileges);

void replaceTable(Table table, PrincipalPrivileges principalPrivileges);

void dropTable(SchemaTableName schemaTableName, String tableLocation, boolean deleteData);

void renameTable(SchemaTableName from, SchemaTableName to);
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ public void createTable(Table table, PrincipalPrivileges principalPrivileges)
delegate.createTable(table, principalPrivileges);

public void replaceTable(Table table, PrincipalPrivileges principalPrivileges)
delegate.replaceTable(table.getDatabaseName(), table.getTableName(), table, principalPrivileges);

public void dropTable(SchemaTableName schemaTableName, String tableLocation, boolean deleteData)
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Expand Up @@ -59,8 +59,13 @@
import static io.trino.plugin.base.util.Closables.closeAllSuppress;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeCdfPageSink.CHANGE_DATA_FOLDER_NAME;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeMetadata.CHANGE_DATA_FEED_COLUMN_NAMES;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeMetadata.CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_AS_OPERATION;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeMetadata.CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_OPERATION;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeMetadata.CREATE_TABLE_OPERATION;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.DeltaLakeQueryRunner.DELTA_CATALOG;
import static io.trino.plugin.deltalake.transactionlog.TransactionLogUtil.TRANSACTION_LOG_DIRECTORY;
import static io.trino.plugin.hive.TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE;
import static io.trino.plugin.hive.TableType.MANAGED_TABLE;
import static io.trino.plugin.tpch.TpchMetadata.TINY_SCHEMA_NAME;
import static io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey.getTimeZoneKey;
import static io.trino.spi.type.VarcharType.VARCHAR;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +142,8 @@ protected QueryRunner createQueryRunner()
protected boolean hasBehavior(TestingConnectorBehavior connectorBehavior)
return switch (connectorBehavior) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1740,6 +1746,290 @@ public void testSupportedNonPartitionedColumnMappingNoneWrites()
testSupportedNonPartitionedColumnMappingWrites("write_stats_as_json_column_mapping_none", false);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableOnNonExistingTable()
String tableName = "create_or_replace_table" + randomNameSuffix();
try {
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + tableName + " (id BIGINT)");
assertLatestTableOperation(tableName, CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_OPERATION);
finally {
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE " + tableName);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsSelectOnNonExistingTable()
String tableName = "create_or_replace_table_as_select_" + randomNameSuffix();
try {
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + tableName + " AS SELECT 1 as colA", 1);
assertLatestTableOperation(tableName, CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_AS_OPERATION);
finally {
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE " + tableName);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsSelectWithSwappedColumns()

private void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsSelectWithSwappedColumns(ColumnMappingMode columnMappingMode)
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" AS SELECT 'abc' colA, BIGINT '1' colB")) {
assertThat(query("SELECT colA, colB FROM " + table.getName()))
.matches("VALUES (CAST('abc' AS VARCHAR), BIGINT '1')");

assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " WITH (column_mapping_mode='" + + "') AS SELECT BIGINT '42' colA, 'def' colB", 1);

assertThat(query("SELECT colA, colB FROM " + table.getName()))
.matches("VALUES (BIGINT '42', CAST('def' AS VARCHAR))");

assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_AS_OPERATION);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableChangeUnpartitionedTableIntoPartitioned()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_", " AS SELECT BIGINT '22' a, CAST('some data' AS VARCHAR) b")) {
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " WITH (partitioned_by=ARRAY['a']) AS SELECT BIGINT '42' a, 'some data' b UNION ALL SELECT BIGINT '43' a, 'another data' b", 2);
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM " + table.getName()))
.matches("VALUES (BIGINT '42', CAST('some data' AS VARCHAR)), (BIGINT '43', CAST('another data' AS VARCHAR))");

assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_AS_OPERATION);

assertThat((String) computeScalar("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + table.getName()))
.matches("CREATE TABLE delta.test_schema.%s \\(\n".formatted(table.getName()) +
" a bigint,\n" +
" b varchar\n" +
"\\)\n" +
"WITH \\(\n" +
" location = '.*',\n" +
" partitioned_by = ARRAY\\['a']\n" +

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableChangePartitionedTableIntoUnpartitioned()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" WITH (partitioned_by=ARRAY['a']) AS SELECT BIGINT '42' a, 'some data' b UNION ALL SELECT BIGINT '43' a, 'another data' b")) {
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " AS SELECT BIGINT '42' a, 'some data' b UNION ALL SELECT BIGINT '43' a, 'another data' b", 2);
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM " + table.getName()))
.matches("VALUES (BIGINT '42', CAST('some data' AS VARCHAR)), (BIGINT '43', CAST('another data' AS VARCHAR))");

assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_AS_OPERATION);

assertThat((String) computeScalar("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + table.getName()))
.matches("CREATE TABLE delta.test_schema.%s \\(\n".formatted(table.getName()) +
" a bigint,\n" +
" b varchar\n" +
"\\)\n" +
"WITH \\(\n" +
" location = '.*'\n" +

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableTableCommentIsRemoved()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_", " (a BIGINT) COMMENT 'This is a table'")) {
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (a BIGINT COMMENT 'This is a column')");
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult("SELECT * FROM " + table.getName());

assertThat(getColumnComment(table.getName(), "a"))
.isEqualTo("This is a column");
assertThat(getTableComment(getSession().getCatalog().orElseThrow(), getSession().getSchema().orElseThrow(), table.getName()))
assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TABLE_OPERATION);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithEnablingCdcProperty()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_with_cdv", " (a BIGINT)")) {
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (c BIGINT) WITH (change_data_feed_enabled = true)",
"CREATE OR REPLACE is not supported for tables with change data feed enabled");

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsWithEnablingCdcProperty()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_with_cdv", " (a BIGINT)")) {
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " WITH (change_data_feed_enabled = true) AS SELECT 1 new_column",
"CREATE OR REPLACE is not supported for tables with change data feed enabled");

public void testCreateOrReplaceOnCdcEnabledTables()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_with_cdv", " (a BIGINT) WITH (change_data_feed_enabled = true)")) {
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (d BIGINT)",
"CREATE OR REPLACE is not supported for tables with change data feed enabled");

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsOnCdcEnabledTables()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_with_cdv", " (a BIGINT) WITH (change_data_feed_enabled = true)")) {
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " AS SELECT 1 new_column",
"CREATE OR REPLACE is not supported for tables with change data feed enabled");

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithSameLocationForManagedTable()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" (a BIGINT)")) {
HiveMetastore metastore = TestingDeltaLakeUtils.getConnectorService(getDistributedQueryRunner(), HiveMetastoreFactory.class)
String location = metastore.getTable("test_schema", table.getName()).orElseThrow().getStorage().getLocation();
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " WITH (location = '" + location + "') AS SELECT 'abc' as colA", 1);
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithChangeInLocationForManagedTable()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(getQueryRunner()::execute, "test_create_or_replace_change_location_", " (a BIGINT) ")) {
String location = "s3://%s/%s".formatted(bucketName, randomNameSuffix());
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (a BIGINT) WITH (location = '%s')".formatted(location),
"The provided location '%s' does not match the existing table location '.*'".formatted(location));

assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_TABLE_OPERATION);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithChangeInLocationForExternalTable()
String location = "s3://%s/%s".formatted(bucketName, randomNameSuffix());
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" (a BIGINT) WITH (location = '%s')".formatted(location))) {
"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (a BIGINT) WITH (location = '%s_2')".formatted(location),
"The provided location '%1$s_2' does not match the existing table location '%1$s'".formatted(location));

assertLatestTableOperation(table.getName(), CREATE_TABLE_OPERATION);

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithNoLocationSpecifiedForExternalTable()
String location = "s3://%s/%s".formatted(bucketName, randomNameSuffix());
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" (a BIGINT) WITH (location = '%s')".formatted(location))) {
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " AS SELECT 'abc' as colA", 1);
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithNoLocationSpecifiedForManagedTable()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" (a BIGINT)")) {
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;
assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " AS SELECT 'abc' as colA", 1);
assertTableType("test_schema", table.getName(),;

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableWithStatsUpdated()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" AS SELECT 1 as colA")) {
"SHOW STATS FOR " + table.getName(),
"('cola', null, 1.0, 0.0, null, '1', '1')," +
"(null, null, null, null, 1.0, null, null)");

assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (colA BIGINT) ");
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + table.getName() + " VALUES null", 1);
"SHOW STATS FOR " + table.getName(),
"('cola', 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, null, null, null)," +
"(null, null, null, null, 1.0, null, null)");

public void testCreateOrReplaceTableAsWithStatsUpdated()
try (TestTable table = new TestTable(
" AS SELECT 1 as colA")) {
"SHOW STATS FOR " + table.getName(),
"('cola', null, 1.0, 0.0, null, '1', '1')," +
"(null, null, null, null, 1.0, null, null)");

assertUpdate("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE " + table.getName() + " AS SELECT 25 colb ", 1);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + table.getName() + " VALUES (null)", 1);
"SHOW STATS FOR " + table.getName(),
"('colb', null, 1.0, 0.5, null, '25', '25')," +
"(null, null, null, null, 2.0, null, null)");

private void assertLatestTableOperation(String tableName, String operation)
assertQuery("SELECT operation FROM \"%s$history\" ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1".formatted(tableName),
"VALUES '%s'".formatted(operation));

private void assertTableType(String schemaName, String tableName, String tableType)
HiveMetastore metastore = TestingDeltaLakeUtils.getConnectorService(getDistributedQueryRunner(), HiveMetastoreFactory.class)
assertThat(metastore.getTable(schemaName, tableName).orElseThrow().getTableType()).isEqualTo(tableType);

private void testSupportedNonPartitionedColumnMappingWrites(String resourceName, boolean statsAsJsonEnabled)
throws Exception
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