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DevOps Records Keeper

dorky npm

Made with love in India && javascript

Let us assume that we need to create a project.

The project obviously contains some code and some secret variables like database information, API keys, etc. This data cannot be shared on public VCS (GitHub), but at times is required to be accessible remotely to be shared among reliable sources.

Anyhow, we shall store it on a private storage, using dorky, that stores it on a S3.

Steps to use:

Create a S3 bucket, AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY.

Dorky Usage

Please use your own repository, this repository sample_project is just for demonstration.

To push files to S3 bucket.

  1. Initialize dorky setup in the root folder of your project, using dorky init.
  2. List the files using dorky list, (make sure to add excluded file or folder patterns to .dorkyignore, to minimize the list).
  3. Add files to stage-1 using dorky add file-name.
  4. Push files to S3 bucket using dorky push.

To remove a file from project.

  1. Remove files using dorky reset file-name.
  2. Push files to S3 bucket using dorky push.

To pull files from S3 bucket.

  1. Initialize dorky project using dorky init.
  2. Use dorky pull to pull the files from S3 bucket.