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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

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My dotfiles.

A power user's dotfiles is their own personal Sagrada Família. It is simply never done. My Sagrada Família is right here. It's been a while since I started this project, and the one before this, dotfiles_old, is years old.

I had my Zach Holman dotfiles modules phase — but now I like to use GNU Stow. Nice and easy. Modules are hell to maintain, because of the difficulty managing aliases et al. I don't really do much programming anymore these days, so a simple setup is all I need. Besides that, I like the idea of minimalism, especially since I suck at shell scripting :p

Installation Symlink management

These installations are for macOS only.

  1. install homebrew
  2. brew install stow
  3. git clone $HOME/dots
  4. cd $HOME/dots
  5. stow .


  • write script for managing todos
  • reorganise the READMEs and todos
  • write function for git add; I want to be able to select unstaged changes with fzf
  • ssh setup?