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7 new skeletons for FRONTEND added
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trisulnsm committed Jan 5, 2017
1 parent c858028 commit e2c3b33
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Showing 6 changed files with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions lua/skeletons/input_filter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
-- input_filter.lua skeleton
-- PURPOSE: Input filter to drive the Trisul pipeline
-- DESCRIPTION: Custom input for packets, flows, or alerts
TrisulPlugin = {

-- the ID block, you can skip the fields marked 'optional '
id = {
name = "CSV netflow input",
description = "read flow records from CSV", -- optional
author = "Unleash", -- optional
version_major = 1, -- optional
version_minor = 0, -- optional

-- COMMON FUNCTIONS: onload, onunload, onmessage
-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is loaded into Trisul
onload = function()
-- your code

-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is unloaded / detached from Trisul
onunload = function()
-- your code

-- any messages you want to handle for state management
message_subscriptions = {},

-- WHEN CALLED: when another plugin sends you a message
onmessage = function(msgid, msg)


-- input_filter block
inputfilter = {

-- WHEN CALLED: when Trisul platform wants a new packet or flow
-- step block : to handle packets and flows
-- read the next line from the file and do engine:updateXXX(..) to add metrics
step = function(packet, engine)
-- your lua code here

-- WHEN CALLED: when Trisul platform wants a new packet or flows
-- step_alert block : to feed alerts into the pipeline
-- need to return a table { } with alert information; see the docs
step_alert = function()
-- your lua code here
-- return a table { }


59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions lua/skeletons/new_alert_group.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-- new_alert_group.lua skeleton
-- PURPOSE: Create a new alert group
-- DESCRIPTION: You can create your own alert groups for your specific case
TrisulPlugin = {

-- the ID block, you can skip the fields marked 'optional '
id = {
name = "My IOC hits",
description = "Alerts when my private IOCs match ", -- optional
author = "Unleash", -- optional
version_major = 1, -- optional
version_minor = 0, -- optional

-- COMMON FUNCTIONS: onload, onunload, onmessage
-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is loaded into Trisul
onload = function()
-- your code

-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is unloaded / detached from Trisul
onunload = function()
-- your code

-- any messages you want to handle for state management
message_subscriptions = {},

-- WHEN CALLED: when another plugin sends you a message
onmessage = function(msgid, msg)


-- alertgroup block
alertgroup = {

-- table control
-- WHEN CALLED: specify details of your new alert group
-- you can use 'trisulctl_probe testbench guid' to get a new GUID
control = {
guid = "{a973e25d-4434-4f0a-9656-9d2c0247eaf8}",
name = "My IOC Hit",
description = "When my IOC hits ",

78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions lua/skeletons/new_counter_group.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
-- new_counter_group.lua skeleton
-- PURPOSE: Create a new counter group
-- DESCRIPTION: Use this to create your own Metrics counter group with associated
-- meters and key mappings
TrisulPlugin = {

-- the ID block, you can skip the fields marked 'optional '
id = {
name = "Packet Length",
description = "Meter packet lengths ", -- optional
author = "Unleash", -- optional
version_major = 1, -- optional
version_minor = 0, -- optional

-- COMMON FUNCTIONS: onload, onunload, onmessage
-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is loaded into Trisul
onload = function()
-- your code

-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is unloaded / detached from Trisul
onunload = function()
-- your code

-- any messages you want to handle for state management
message_subscriptions = {},

-- WHEN CALLED: when another plugin sends you a message
onmessage = function(msgid, msg)


-- countergroup block
countergroup = {

-- WHEN CALLED: specify details of your new counter group
-- you can use 'trisulctl_probe testbench guid' to get a new GUID
control = {
guid = "{a973e25d-4434-4f0a-9656-9d2c0247eaf8}",
name = "Host TCP",
description = "Count volume and TCP flags in all packets",
bucketsize = 30,

-- meters table
-- id, type of meter, toppers to track, Name, units, units-short
meters = {
{ 0, T.K.vartype.RATE_COUNTER, 10, "Packets", "bytes", "Bps" },
{ 1, T.K.vartype.COUNTER, 10, "Resets", "packets", "Pkts" },

-- key mapping
-- maps keys used by you into user friendly names for Trisul display
keyinfo = {
{"0-100","small pkt"},
{"101-500","medium pkt"},
{"501-1500","large pkt"},
{"1501+","jumbo frame"},

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions lua/skeletons/new_resource_group.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-- new_resource_group.lua skeleton
-- PURPOSE: Create a new resource group
-- DESCRIPTION: You can create your own resource groups for your specific case
TrisulPlugin = {

-- the ID block, you can skip the fields marked 'optional '
id = {
name = "SHA256 Hashes",
description = "logs SHA hash Resources ", -- optional
author = "Unleash", -- optional
version_major = 1, -- optional
version_minor = 0, -- optional

-- COMMON FUNCTIONS: onload, onunload, onmessage
-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is loaded into Trisul
onload = function()
-- your code

-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is unloaded / detached from Trisul
onunload = function()
-- your code

-- any messages you want to handle for state management
message_subscriptions = {},

-- WHEN CALLED: when another plugin sends you a message
onmessage = function(msgid, msg)


-- resourcegroup block
resourcegroup = {

-- table control
-- WHEN CALLED: specify details of your new resource group
-- you can use 'trisulctl_probe testbench guid' to get a new GUID
control = {
guid = "{a973e25d-4434-4f0a-9656-9d2c0247eaf8}",
name = "SHA256 file hashes",
description = "File hash resources ",

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions lua/skeletons/packet_storage.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
-- packet_storage.lua skeleton
-- PURPOSE: Fine grained control of PCAP storage
-- DESCRIPTION: For each flow determine how you want to store packets
TrisulPlugin = {

-- the ID block, you can skip the fields marked 'optional '
id = {
name = "Dont store backsup",
description = "Ignore flows to subnet 10.200 between 10PM and 1AM", -- optional
author = "Unleash", -- optional
version_major = 1, -- optional
version_minor = 0, -- optional

-- COMMON FUNCTIONS: onload, onunload, onmessage
-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is loaded into Trisul
onload = function()
-- your code

-- WHEN CALLED : your LUA script is unloaded / detached from Trisul
onunload = function()
-- your code

-- any messages you want to handle for state management
message_subscriptions = {},

-- WHEN CALLED: when another plugin sends you a message
onmessage = function(msgid, msg)


-- packet_storage block;
packet_storage = {

-- WHEN CALLED: a new flow is first seen
-- specify packet (pcap) storage policy for this flow
filter = function( engine, timestamp, flow )
-- your lua code
-- return a number from -1..6 representing how to handle
-- packet storage for this flow. See docs
return -1


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