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The official triweb.js library and developer documentation for the triweb platform.

To be used by Triweb App (TWA) developers to enhance the functionality of their apps 💪


Triweb has just launched and the triweb.js library is in early beta phase.

The described API works, and you can use it in your TWAs, but it should be considered unstable - we are likely to introduce breaking changes (and awesome new features) in the near future, so stay tuned for the updates and the first stable release!


In production-ready TWAs you can use the triweb.js library that is offered by the target domain's relay server:

<script src="/.../triweb.js"></script>

During development you may use your local copy of the triweb.js library or the one from relay server:

<script src=""></script>

API Reference


In triweb, domain names are treated like containers that may be filled with a user-selected Triweb Application (TWA). The Triweb.Container is a namespace under which various container management operations are available.


// Runtime envrionment
await Triweb.Container.init()
Triweb.Container.args // Array of container runtime arguments as read from DNS TXT records
                      // {{key: string, value: string, options: Record<string, string>}[]}

// Application package management
await Triweb.Container.installApp('banner/themes/default'); // true
await Triweb.Container.installApp('banner/themes/html5up/dimension'); // true
await Triweb.Container.listApps(); // {...: {…}, banner-themes-default: {…}, banner: {…}, banner-themes-html5up-dimension: {…}} 
await Triweb.Container.uninstallApp('banner/themes/default'); // true

async Triweb.Container.init()

Initializes the container by populating the args property. This method should be called at the start of the interaction with the Triweb.Container interface.

 * Initializes the `Triweb.Container` for the current domain. This method sets up
 * the necessary environment, dependencies, or state required for the container to
 * function correctly. It should be called before using any functionalities offered
 * by the `Triweb.Container`.
 * @async
 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the container has been
 * successfully initialized. If the initialization fails, the promise will be
 * rejected with an error detailing the failure.
 * @example
 * // Initialize the Triweb.Container before usage
 * await Triweb.Container.init().then(() => {
 *   console.log('Container initialized successfully.');
 * }).catch((error) => {
 *   console.error('Container initialization failed:', error);
 * });
async Triweb.Container.init()


Holds an array of runtime arguments for the Container as read from DNS TXT records. This includes the record with app key that has been used to setup the current TWA for the domain. The array is populated by Triweb.Container.init() and can be reloaded with Triweb.Container.reloadArgs().

 * Holds an array of runtime arguments for the `Triweb.Container` that have been extracted
 * from DNS TXT records associated with the domain name prefixed by "_triweb.". These
 * arguments provide configuration or operational parameters for the container,
 * derived from the DNS TXT records of the form:
 * `_triweb.domain.example TXT "keyword1 keyword1-value option1=val1 option2=val2"`
 * Each entry in the array represents a single TXT record, parsed into an object with
 * a `key`, a `value`, and an `options` object. The `options` object maps option
 * names to their respective values.
 * @type {{key: string, value: string, options: Record<string, string>}[]}
 * @example
 * // Example of accessing the Triweb.Container.args
 * const args = Triweb.Container.args;
 * args.forEach(arg => {
 *   console.log(`Key: ${arg.key}, Value: ${arg.value}`);
 *   Object.entries(arg.options).forEach(([key, value]) => {
 *     console.log(`Option: ${key}, Value: ${value}`);
 *   });
 * });
 * @note The `args` variable is populated at the initialization phase of the Container.
 * Ensure `Triweb.Container.init()` has been successfully called before accessing it.

async Triweb.Container.reloadArgs()

Reloads the runtime arguments stored in Triweb.Container.args by re-fetching the DNS TXT records.

 * Reloads the runtime arguments stored in `Triweb.Container.args` by re-fetching
 * the DNS TXT records for the domain name prefixed with "_triweb.". This operation
 * updates the container's runtime arguments to reflect any changes in the DNS TXT
 * records, accommodating new configurations or options added since the initial load
 * or the last reload. It's particularly useful when runtime configurations might
 * change frequently or when fresh values are necessary without restarting the container
 * or the application.
 * This method performs DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) resolution using the resolver specified
 * in `Triweb.Container.resolver`. It ensures that `Triweb.Container.args` contains
 * the most up-to-date information fetched from the DNS TXT records.
 * @async
 * @returns {Promise<{key: string, value: string, options: Record<string, string>}[]>} 
 *            A promise that resolves with the reloaded arguments array when the args have 
 *            been successfully reloaded. The promise may be rejected with an error 
 *            detailing the failure, especially in cases of failed `fetch()` calls due to 
 *            issues with DoH resolution or connectivity problems with the 
 *            `Triweb.Container.resolver` used for DNS resolution.
 * @throws {Error} Throws an exception if the DNS TXT record fetch fails, which can occur 
 *                 due to network issues, incorrect DNS setup, 
 *                 or problems with the DoH resolver.
 * @example
 * // Reload the Triweb.Container.args and handle the updated arguments or errors
 * Triweb.Container.reloadArgs().then((updatedArgs) => {
 *   console.log('Arguments reloaded successfully:', updatedArgs);
 * }).catch((error) => {
 *   console.error('Failed to reload arguments:', error);
 * });
async Triweb.Container.reloadArgs()

async Triweb.Container.installApp(manifestUrl, opts={})

Installs the specified TWA to the local Triweb.Container. When a TWA is installed, its assets specified in the manifest.json file are copied to the container in the user's web browser, and the browser serves them directly from the container, without a need to communicate with any web servers. When multiple TWAs have conflicting asset paths (e.g., two TWAs include /index.html as asset file), the browser will serve the asset from the TWA with lower priority first.

 * Installs a TWA from a given manifest URL with its dependencies to the Triweb.Container.
 * This method supports optional configuration options that can be passed to customize the 
 * installation process, including flags to control update behavior and force installation.
 * @param {string} manifestUrl - The URL of the TWA manifest file. This URL should point to
 *                               a JSON file that contains metadata about the application 
 *                               to be installed, or to an entry in the TWApps catalog.
 *                               For more details see
 * @param {Object} [opts={}] - Optional parameters to customize the installation process.
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.update=false] - If set to true, the method will attempt to update 
 *                                          the application if it is already installed.
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.force=false] - If set to true, the installation will proceed even 
 *                                         if the application with the same ID is already 
 *                                         installed in the container, overwriting it.
 *                                         You can use it to force reinstallation, or to 
 *                                         overwrite an existing TWA with a conflicting 
 *                                         app ID.
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.priority=null] - A numeric priority of this TWA. When there are 
 *                                           conflicting asset files, upon request, 
 *                                           the browser will serve the asset from the TWA 
 *                                           with a lower priority first. When left as null, 
 *                                           the app will be installed after all previously 
 *                                           installed TWAs.
 * @returns {Triweb.Container.Jobs.AppInstall} - An `AppInstallJob` thenable object that 
 *                                           provides methods and properties to 
 *                                           monitor the installation progress and status. 
 *                                           This object resolves to the installed app ID 
 *                                           upon successful installation or update, or
 *                                           to false when update was requested but 
 *                                           the app is at the latest version.
 * @throws {Triweb.Container.Jobs.AppInstall.Error} Various error codes may be thrown:
 *   - `manifestUrlInvalid`: The URL of the manifest file is not valid.
 *   - `manifestDownloadError`: The application manifest file could not be downloaded.
 *   - `manifestParsingError`: The application manifest file is not a valid JSON document.
 *   - `manifestValidationError`: The application manifest file structure is not valid.
 *   - `assetDownloadError`: An application asset could not be downloaded.
 *   - `alreadyInstalled`: An application is already installed in the container.
 *   - `circularDependency`: A circular dependency was detected during installation.
 *   - `missingDependency`: A required dependency's manifest could not be fetched.
 *   - `invalidDependency`: A dependency's application ID does not match the declared ID.
 * @example
 *   // Install an app with default options
 *   await Triweb.Container.installApp('');
 * @example 
 *   // Install an app from TWApps catalog with the option to update if already installed
 *   let job = Triweb.Container.installApp('banner/themes/default', { update: true });
 *   job.on('progressChange', console.log);
 *   job.on('stateChange', console.log);
 *   await job;
async Triweb.Container.installApp(manifestUrl, opts={})

async Triweb.Container.listApps()

Lists the TWAs that have been installed into the Container. The results are returned as a dictionary object, with app IDs as keys and app details as values. App details object may be used to access TWA assets, manifest, and additional meta information.

 * Lists the TWAs that are present in the Container into a dictionary object.
 * @returns {Promise<Record<string, {
 *             id: string,                          // The app's unique identifier 
 *                                                  // as defined in its manifest file.
 *             assets: Triweb.Container.AppAssets,  // App asset files.
 *             manifest: Object,                    // Application manifest data.
 *             manifestUrl: string,                 // The URL from which the manifest 
 *                                                  // file was originally downloaded.
 *             version: string,                     // The installed app version.
 *           }>>} A promise that resolves with a dictionary object.
 *                The keys of the dictionary are app IDs, and the values are objects
 *                containing details about each app.
 * @example
 *   const apps = await Triweb.Container.listApps();
 *   console.log(apps);
async Triweb.Container.listApps()

async Triweb.Container.uninstallApp(appId, opts={})

Uninstalls the TWA with a given id from the Container.

 * Uninstalls a TWA from the container. This operation removes all the TWA's assets 
 * from the container, effectively deleting the application from the user's browser. 
 * If the application is not installed, this method will silently fail without any errors. 
 * This ensures idempotency of the uninstall operation.
 * @param {string} appId - The unique identifier of the TWA to be uninstalled. This ID should 
 *                         match the app's ID as defined in its manifest file and as used in 
 *                         the container's application list.
 * @param {Object} [opts={}] - Optional parameters to customize the uninstallation process:
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.recursive=false] - If true, uninstall the app and its dependencies.
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.prune=false]     - If true, uninstall any apps that depend on this app.
 *   @param {boolean} [opts.force=false]     - If true, force uninstallation, ignoring dependency checks.
 * @returns {Triweb.Container.Jobs.AppUninstall} An `AppUninstall` thenable object that 
 *                                           provides methods and properties to monitor 
 *                                           the installation progress and status. 
 *                                           This object resolves to `true` if the application 
 *                                           was successfully uninstalled, or `false` if 
 *                                           the application was not found in the container.
 * @throws {Triweb.Container.Jobs.AppUninstall.Error} Various error codes may be thrown:
 *   - `dependencyConflict`: The provided app ID is required as a dependency 
 *                           by another installed app. You can use `prune` or `force` 
 *                           opts flags to overcome this. 
 * @example
 *   // Uninstall an app by its ID
 *   let success = await Triweb.Container.uninstallApp('triweb-banner', {force:true});
 *   if (success) {
 *     console.log('Application successfully uninstalled.');
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Application not found.');
 *   }
async Triweb.Container.uninstallApp(appId)


The official triweb.js library and developer documentation for the triweb platform



