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AI Protocol

AI Service Payment Platform

TRON is the world's largest decentralized stablecoin network, and as an industry-leading decentralized stablecoin financial infrastructure, it will provide an AI-oriented decentralized payment framework for AI systems such as ChatGPT and OpenAI. The framework covers the smart contract system on the chain, the payment layer protocol, the underlying calling SDK, and the AI payment gateway. Using the smart contract system to store user questions and AI results on the fully decentralized file storage system BTFS to achieve fully decentralized storage and DAO governance. The payment layer protocol provides support for stable currency settlement on the chain, and the interaction layer provides users with standard settlement and API for AI services.

TRX, the base token on the TRON network, and BTT, the base token of TRON’s Layer 2 chain Bittorrent-chain, will be deeply involved in governance.

This framework will realize a decentralized payment system that is secure, trustworthy, tamper-proof, anti-censorship, and capable of AI, helping people build a new decentralized, intelligent financial ecosystem.


AI Oracle

WinkLink will integrate AI Oracle services, focusing on decision-making issues required by smart contracts on the chain. AI service providers such as ChatGPT and OpenAI can provide them with the best decision-making answers based on real-world data and intelligent analysis capabilities. Integrating AI capabilities provides a simple and effective way, and also provides a new means of profitability for AI services.

  • AI has powerful self-learning, and knowledge-updating capabilities and will give more appropriate answers to the same questions, and submit new answers to the Oracle contract at any time.
  • On-chain applications can obtain answers that are constantly updated and iterated by AI at any time as long as they pay a small fee.
  • AI can independently choose questions that users are more interested in on the chain (such as price trends, etc.), and use its own advantages to continuously optimize the answers to provide more valuable oracle services for users on the chain.



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