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PyPlot.jl visualization
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Tim Thatcher committed Dec 18, 2015
1 parent 4cef77f commit 880fddd
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 60 deletions.
85 changes: 25 additions & 60 deletions example/visualization.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,41 +26,46 @@ iris_df = readtable("iris.csv")
pool!(iris_df, [:Species]) # Ensure species is made a pooled data vector
y = iris_df[:Species].refs # Class indices

using DiscriminantAnalysis
MOD = DiscriminantAnalysis

using Gadfly
using PyPlot, DiscriminantAnalysis
DA = DiscriminantAnalysis

X = convert(Array{Float64}, iris_df[[:PetalWidth, :SepalWidth]])
plt_x1 = vec(X[:,1])
plt_x2 = vec(X[:,2])
x2_max = maximum(plt_x2)
x2_min = minimum(plt_x2)

model = lda(X, y)
y_pred = classify(model, X)

M = MOD.class_means(X, y)
H = MOD.center_classes!(copy(X), M, y)
M = DA.class_means(X, y)
H = DA.center_classes!(copy(X), M, y)
Ω = inv(H'H/(size(X,1)-1))
π_k = Float64[1/3; 1/3; 1/3]

a_12, c_12 = hyperplane(Ω, M, π_k, 1, 2)
a_13, c_13 = hyperplane(Ω, M, π_k, 1, 3)
a_23, c_23 = hyperplane(Ω, M, π_k, 2, 3)

δ_12(x1::AbstractFloat) = hyperplane_x2(a_12, c_12, x1)
δ_13(x1::AbstractFloat) = hyperplane_x2(a_13, c_13, x1)
δ_23(x1::AbstractFloat) = hyperplane_x2(a_23, c_23, x1)
function δ_12{T<:AbstractFloat}(x1::T)
x2 = hyperplane_x2(a_12, c_12, x1)
(x2 > x2_max || x2 < x2_min) ? convert(T,NaN) : x2

err = vec(y .!= y_pred)
function δ_23{T<:AbstractFloat}(x1::T)
x2 = hyperplane_x2(a_23, c_23, x1)
(x2 > x2_max || x2 < x2_min) ? convert(T,NaN) : x2

plt_x1 = vec(X[:,1])#[err]
plt_x2 = vec(X[:,2])#[err]
plt_y = y#[err]

PyPlot.figure("Linear Discriminant Analysis")
PyPlot.scatter(plt_x1[y .== 1], plt_x2[y .== 1], s=40*ones(plt_x1[y .== 1]), c="r")
PyPlot.scatter(plt_x1[y .== 2], plt_x2[y .== 2], s=40*ones(plt_x1[y .== 2]), c="m")
PyPlot.scatter(plt_x1[y .== 3], plt_x2[y .== 3], s=40*ones(plt_x1[y .== 3]), c="b")

x2_max = maximum(plt_x2)
x2_min = minimum(plt_x2)
x = linspace(0,2.5,100);
y = Float64[δ_12(x) for x in x]
plot(x, y, color="red", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="--")

f(x2) = (δ_23(x2) > x2_max || δ_23(x2) < x2_min) ? NaN : δ_23(x2)

using Gadfly
plt = plot(layer(x=plt_x1, y=plt_x2, color=plt_y, Geom.point),
layer(f, minimum(plt_x1), maximum(plt_x1), color=2),
#layer(δ_13, 0.0, 2.5),
Expand All @@ -70,44 +75,4 @@ plt = plot(layer(x=plt_x1, y=plt_x2, color=plt_y, Geom.point),
#Scale.y_continuous(minvalue=0.0, maxvalue=1.0))
draw(SVG("visualization.svg", 6inch, 4inch), plt)

#= 3d stuff
X = convert(Array{Float64}, iris_df[[:PetalWidth, :PetalLength, :SepalWidth]])
y = iris_df[:Species].refs # Class indices
using DiscriminantAnalysis, PyPlot
MOD = DiscriminantAnalysis
PyPlot.figure("Iris Data")
for (k, colour) in ((1,"r"), (2,"m"), (3,"b"))
class = y .== k
PyPlot.scatter3D(vec(X[class,1]), vec(X[class,2]), vec(X[class,3]), c=colour, clip_on=true)
model = lda(X, y)
M = MOD.class_means(X, y)
H = MOD.center_classes!(X, M, y)
Σinv = inv(H'H/(size(X,1)-1))
function hyperplane3D(Σinv, μ_i, μ_j, x1, x2) # aᵀx + c = 0
a = (μ_j - μ_i)'Σinv
c = (μ_i'Σinv*μ_i - μ_j'Σinv*μ_j)[1]/2
x3 = -(a[1]*x1 + a[2]*x2 + c)/a[3]
x1 = Float64[0 4; 0 4]
x2 = Float64[8 8; 0 0]
x3 = reshape(Float64[hyperplane(Σinv, vec(M[2,:]), vec(M[3,:]), x1[i], x2[i]) for i = 1:length(x1)], 2, 2)
PyPlot.plot_surface(x1, x2, x3,
rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha=0.25, clip_on = true)

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