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Alexander Trufanov edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Scan Tailor uses Qt localization system to change UI language. It looks for translation files named "scantailor_xx.qm" where "xx" is a country code. The search is performed in several folders which are platform-specific. For linux it's "./share/scantailor-universal/translations" in "/usr/" or "/usr/local". For Windows it's an application folder.

How to build *.qm file for your language?

*.qm files are compiled translations files. First of all you need untranslated originals in English which have *.ts extension and could be found here. Currently these are scantailor_untranslated.ts and crashreporter_untranslated.ts. *.ts files are text documents (technically, xml documents) and could be edited in any text editor. Just replace text between tags and send it back to project maintainers.

Better approach would be usage of Qt Linguist tool from Qt framework to translate *.ts files. In this case you could compile them into *.qm files y yourself, copy them to Scan Tailor translations folder, select your language in application's settings and test them. Sometimes lines could be too long, etc.

Qt Linguist could be obtained from qttools5-dev-tools package for Linux machine or download installer here for Win or Mac. (there is no official lightweight Linguist redistributable as descried here)

Detailed description could be could found in official Qt Linguist translator's manual. Note: even if you can produce *.qm files by yourself, project maintainers will need translated *.ts sources instead. *.qm files are compiled by them while creation of the Scant Tailor distribution package. If you're a developer you can send a *.ts file or update it with Pull Request via github.