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Proposal for additions to documentation #348

merged 15 commits into from
Mar 14, 2019
183 changes: 113 additions & 70 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
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# Ganache Core

This is the core code that powers the Ganache application and the the Ganache command line tool.
This is the core code that powers the Ganache application and the Ganache command line tool.

[Usage](#usage) | [Options](#options) | [Implemented Methods](#implemented-methods) | [Custom Methods](#custom-methods) | [Unsupported Methods](#unsupported-methods) | [Testing](#testing)

## Installation

`ganache-core` is written in JavaScript and distributed as a Node.js package via `npm`. Make sure you have Node.js (>= v8.9.0) installed, and your environment is capable of installing and compiling `npm` modules.

Expand All @@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ yarn add ganache-core

## Usage

As a [Web3]( provider:

Expand All @@ -53,111 +55,152 @@ const server = ganache.server();
server.listen(port, function(err, blockchain) {...});

## Options

Both `.provider()` and `.server()` take a single object which allows you to specify behavior of the Ganache instance. This parameter is optional. Available options are:

* `"accounts"`: `Array` of `Object`'s. Each object should have a `balance` key with a hexadecimal value. The key `secretKey` can also be specified, which represents the account's private key. If no `secretKey`, the address is auto-generated with the given balance. If specified, the key is used to determine the account's address.
* `"debug"`: `boolean` - Output VM opcodes for debugging
* `"blockTime"`: `number` - Specify blockTime in seconds for automatic mining. If you don't specify this flag, ganache will instantly mine a new block for every transaction. Using the `blockTime` option is discouraged unless you have tests which require a specific mining interval.
* `"logger"`: `Object` - Object, like `console`, that implements a `log()` function.
* `"mnemonic"`: Use a specific HD wallet mnemonic to generate initial addresses.
* `"port"`: Port number to listen on when running as a server.
* `"port"`: `number` Port number to listen on when running as a server.
* `"seed"`: Use arbitrary data to generate the HD wallet mnemonic to be used.
* `"default_balance_ether"`: `number` - The default account balance, specified in ether.
* `"total_accounts"`: `number` - Number of accounts to generate at startup.
* `"fork"`: `string` or `object` - When a `string`, same as `--fork` option above. Can also be a Web3 Provider object, optionally used in conjunction with the `fork_block_number` option below.
* `"fork"`: `string` or `object` - Fork from another currently running Ethereum client at a given block. When a `string`, input should be the HTTP location and port of the other client, e.g. `http://localhost:8545`. You can optionally specify the block to fork from using an `@` sign: `http://localhost:8545@1599200`. Can also be a `Web3 Provider` object, optionally used in conjunction with the `fork_block_number` option below.
* `"fork_block_number"`: `string` or `number` - Block number the provider should fork from, when the `fork` option is specified. If the `fork` option is specified as a string including the `@` sign and a block number, the block number in the `fork` parameter takes precedence.
* `"network_id"`: Specify the network id ganache-core will use to identify itself (defaults to the current time or the network id of the forked blockchain if configured)
* `"time"`: `Date` - Date that the first block should start. Use this feature, along with the `evm_increaseTime` method to test time-dependent code.
* `"locked"`: `boolean` - whether or not accounts are locked by default.
* `"unlocked_accounts"`: `Array` - array of addresses or address indexes specifying which accounts should be unlocked.
* `"db_path"`: `String` - Specify a path to a directory to save the chain database. If a database already exists, `ganache-core` will initialize that chain instead of creating a new one.
* `"db"`: `Object` - Specify an alternative database instance, for instance [MemDOWN](
* `"ws"`: Enable a websocket server. This is `true` by default.
* `"ws"`: `boolean` Enable a websocket server. This is `true` by default.
* `"account_keys_path"`: `String` - Specifies a file to save accounts and private keys to, for testing.
* `"vmErrorsOnRPCResponse"`: `boolean` - Whether or not to transmit transaction failures as RPC errors. Set to `false` for error reporting behaviour which is compatible with other clients such as geth and Parity. This is `true` by default to replicate the error reporting behavior of previous versions of ganache.
* `"hdPath"`: The hierarchical deterministic path to use when generating accounts. Default: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/"
* `"hardfork"`: Allows to specify which hardfork should be used. Supported hardforks are `byzantium`, `constantinople`, and `petersburg` (default).
* `"hardfork"`: `String` Allows to specify which hardfork should be used. Supported hardforks are `byzantium`, `constantinople`, and `petersburg` (default).
* `"allowUnlimitedContractSize"`: `boolean` - Allows unlimited contract sizes while debugging. By setting this to `true`, the check within the EVM for contract size limit of 24KB (see [EIP-170]( is bypassed. Setting this to `true` **will** cause `ganache-core` to behave differently than production environments. (default: `false`; **ONLY** set to `true` during debugging).
* `"gasPrice"`: Sets the default gas price for transactions if not otherwise specified. Must be specified as a hex string in wei. Defaults to `"0x77359400"`, or 2 gwei.
* `"gasLimit"`: Sets the block gas limit. Must be specified as a hex string. Defaults to `"0x6691b7"`.
* `"keepAliveTimeout"`: If using `.server()` - Sets the HTTP server's `keepAliveTimeout` in milliseconds. See the [NodeJS HTTP docs]( for details. `5000` by default.
* `"gasPrice"`: `String::hex` Sets the default gas price for transactions if not otherwise specified. Must be specified as a `hex` encoded string in `wei`. Defaults to `"0x77359400"` (2 `gwei`).
* `"gasLimit"`: `String::hex` Sets the block gas limit. Must be specified as a `hex` string. Defaults to `"0x6691b7"`.
* `"keepAliveTimeout"`: `number` If using `.server()` - Sets the HTTP server's `keepAliveTimeout` in milliseconds. See the [NodeJS HTTP docs]( for details. `5000` by default.

## Implemented Methods

The RPC methods currently implemented are:

* `bzz_hive` (stub)
* `bzz_info` (stub)
* `debug_traceTransaction` (without support for `tracer` option)
* `eth_accounts`
* `eth_blockNumber`
* `eth_call`
* `eth_coinbase`
* `eth_estimateGas`
* `eth_gasPrice`
* `eth_getBalance`
* `eth_getBlockByNumber`
* `eth_getBlockByHash`
* `eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash`
* `eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber`
* `eth_getCode` (only supports block number “latest”)
* `eth_getCompilers`
* `eth_getFilterChanges`
* `eth_getFilterLogs`
* `eth_getLogs`
* `eth_getStorageAt`
* `eth_getTransactionByHash`
* `eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex`
* `eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex`
* `eth_getTransactionCount`
* `eth_getTransactionReceipt`
* `eth_hashrate`
* `eth_mining`
* `eth_newBlockFilter`
* `eth_newFilter` (includes log/event filters)
* `eth_protocolVersion`
* `eth_sendTransaction`
* `eth_sendRawTransaction`
* `eth_sign`
* `eth_subscribe` (only for websocket connections. "syncing" subscriptions are not yet supported)
* `eth_unsubscribe` (only for websocket connections. "syncing" subscriptions are not yet supported)
* `eth_syncing`
* `eth_uninstallFilter`
* `net_listening`
* `net_peerCount`
* `net_version`
* `miner_start`
* `miner_stop`
* `personal_listAccounts`
* `personal_lockAccount`
* `personal_newAccount`
* `personal_importRawKey`
* `personal_unlockAccount`
* `personal_sendTransaction`
* `shh_version`
* `rpc_modules`
* `web3_clientVersion`
* `web3_sha3`

There’s also special non-standard methods that aren’t included within the original RPC specification:

* `evm_snapshot` : Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block. Takes no parameters. Returns the integer id of the snapshot created. A snapshot can only be used once. After a successful `evm_revert`, the same snapshot id cannot be used again. Consider creating a new snapshot after each `evm_revert` if you need to revert to the same point multiple times.
* [eth_accounts](
* [eth_blockNumber](
* [eth_call](
* [eth_coinbase](
* [eth_estimateGas](
* [eth_gasPrice](
* [eth_getBalance](
* [eth_getBlockByNumber](
* [eth_getBlockByHash](
* [eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash](
* [eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber](
* [eth_getCode](
* [eth_getCompilers](
* [eth_getFilterChanges](
* [eth_getFilterLogs](
* [eth_getLogs](
* [eth_getStorageAt](
* [eth_getTransactionByHash](
* [eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex](
* [eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex](
* [eth_getTransactionCount](
* [eth_getTransactionReceipt](
* [eth_hashrate](
* [eth_mining](
* [eth_newBlockFilter](
* [eth_newFilter](
* [eth_protocolVersion](
* [eth_sendTransaction](
* [eth_sendRawTransaction](
* [eth_sign](
* [eth_subscribe](
* [eth_unsubscribe](
* [shh_version](
* [net_version](
* [net_peerCount](
* [net_listening](
* [eth_uninstallFilter](
* [eth_syncing](
* [web3_clientVersion](
* [web3_sha3](
* `bzz_hive`
* `bzz_info`

#### Management API Methods

* [debug_traceTransaction](
* [miner_start](
* [miner_stop](
* [personal_sendTransaction](
* [personal_unlockAccount](
* [personal_importRawKey](
* [personal_newAccount](
* [personal_lockAccount](
* [personal_listAccounts](

## Custom Methods

Special non-standard methods that aren’t included within the original RPC specification:
* `evm_snapshot` : Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block. Takes no parameters. Returns the integer id of the snapshot created. A snapshot can only be used once. After a successful `evm_revert`, the same snapshot id cannot be used again. Consider creating a new snapshot after each `evm_revert` *if you need to revert to the same point multiple times*.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
'{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_snapshot","params":[]}' \
{ "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x1" }
* `evm_revert` : Revert the state of the blockchain to a previous snapshot. Takes a single parameter, which is the snapshot id to revert to. If no snapshot id is passed it will revert to the latest snapshot. Returns `true`.
# Ex: ID "1" (hex encoded string)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
'{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_revert","params":["0x1"]}' \
{ "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }
* `evm_increaseTime` : Jump forward in time. Takes one parameter, which is the amount of time to increase in seconds. Returns the total time adjustment, in seconds.
# Ex: 1 minute (number)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
'{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_increaseTime","params":[60]}' \
{ "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "060" }
* `evm_mine` : Force a block to be mined. Takes one optional parameter, which is the timestamp a block should setup as the mining time. Mines a block independent of whether or not mining is started or stopped.
# Ex: new Date("2009-01-03T18:15:05+00:00").getTime()
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
'{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_mine","params":[1231006505000]}' \

{ "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x0" }

## Unsupported Methods

* `eth_compileSolidity`: If you'd like Solidity compilation in Javascript, please see the [solc-js project](

## Testing

Run tests via:

$ npm test

## License