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Material Classification


  1. Truong Phuc Anh -


  1. Python 3.6

  2. Matlab


  1. Run ./setup/install_python.cmd to install python 3.

  2. Run command python in command line to check whether install sucess or not.

  3. Run ./setup/install_packages.cmd to install python's packages.

  4. Run python ./setup/test/ to validate your tensorflow installation. If "Hello, TensorFlow!" is printed, your installation is success.

  5. Run python ./setup/test/ to validate your keras installation. If "Hello Keras!" is printed, your installation is success.


Download 2 datasets using link below, extra it in ./src/DS_/original.

Re-format dataset into ./src/DS_/original/

  1. GTOS dataset:

  2. FMD dataset:

Get texture images for a dataset

  1. Make sure you have original dataset in folder ./DS_<dataset_name>/data/original.

  2. Run the following command.

python ./src/tools/ <dataset_name> texture
python ./src/ <dataset_name> original
  1. Open Matlab.exe, change working folder to ./src.

  2. In get_texture.m edit txt file name into <dataset_name>_original.txt.

  3. Run get_texture.m.

  4. Open folder ./DS_<dataset_name>/data/texture to check

Get edges images

  1. Make sure you have original dataset in folder ./DS_<dataset_name>/data/original.

  2. Run the following command.

python ./src/local-feature-extractor/ <dataset_name> 

Train and test with SVM

  1. Make sure you have original, edges and texture dataset in folder ./DS_<dataset_name>/data.

  2. Configs your own SVM kernel parameter in file ./config/models_config.csv

  3. Run the following command.


Fine-tuning with VGG16

  1. Only re-train the last layer. Run the following commands:
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 1 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 2 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 3 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 4 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 5 39

python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 1 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 2 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 3 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 4 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 5 10
  1. Re-train all layers. Run the following commands
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 1 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 2 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 3 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 4 39
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ GTOS 5 39

python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 1 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 2 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 3 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 4 10
python .\src\vgg16_experiment\ FMD 5 10

How to view result?

Results are stored in ./<dataset_name>/result/test

Including: accuracy, miss sample, classifiers, confusion matrix, etc.


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