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ProvCam: A Camera Module with Self-Contained TCB for Producing Verifiable Videos

đź“Ž ProvCam Paper

đź’» ProvCam Main Repository This repo hosts the documentation of building and running ProvCam and other misc content.

đź’» ProvCam Hardware Repository This repo hosts ProvCam's hardware system design and its documentation.

đź’» ProvCam Firmware Repository This repo hosts firmware running the microcontroller of ProvCam trusted camera module and its documentation.

đź’» ProvCam OS Repository This repo hosts OS(a custom version of Petalinux) running on ProvCam's system and its documentation. Note that the OS represents the main camera OS, which is untrusted in ProvCam.

đź’» ProvCam Software Repository This repo hosts some software and libraries running in the OS and their documentation.

Yuxin (Myles) Liu (UC Irvine)
Zhihao Yao (NJIT)
Mingyi Chen (UC Irvine)
Ardalan Amiri Sani (UC Irvine)
Sharad Agarwal (Microsoft)
Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine)

The work of UCI authors was supported in part by the NSF Awards #1763172, #1953932, #1956393, and #2247880 as well as NSA Awards #H98230-20-1-0345 and #H98230-22-1-0308.

We provide design/implmentation documentation and a step-by-step guide to recreate ProvCam's hardware and software prototype mentioned in our paper.

Table of Contents


System Requirements


We use Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU106 Evaluation Kit and LI-IMX274MIPI-FMC Camera in our ProvCam's prototype. You also need a compatiable SD card (We use a 32 GB SD card), and a USB drive (optional) to copy the captured video without turning the board off.

Xilinx Vivado and Vitis

We use Xilinx Vivado 2023.2.1 and Xilinx Vitis 2023.2.1 ( for designing both hardware and firmware. Please follow this official guide provided by Xilinx to install both Vivado and Vitis. (You may skip (part or all) Xilix Design Suite installation if you only want to try ProvCam's hardware prototype, as we provide both pre-compiled hardware and firmware)

We use an Intel Xeon E5-2697 CPU with 72 threads with 192 GB memory running Ubuntu 22.04 on a SATA SSD to prepare the hardware and firmware. The total machine time is about 3 hours, and it might take around 5-8 hours of manual work time depending on your familiarity with the tools.

We will call this MACHINE_0 from now on, which runs both Vivado and Vitis.

Xilinx Petalinux

We use a custom version of Xilinx Petalinux 2020.1 to reprsents the OS. To compile it, the Xilinx's official Petalinux 2020.1 toolset ( has to be first installed. Please follow this official guide provided by Xilinx to install the Petalinux toolset. (Again, you may skip the Petalinux toolset installtion if you only want to try ProvCam's hardware prototype, as we provide pre-compiled images)

We use an Intel Core I7-5775C CPU with 8 threads with 16 GB memory running Ubuntu 18.04 on a SATA SSD to prepare the OS. The total machine time is about 3 hours, and it mgiht take around 3-6 hours of manual work time depending on your familiarity with the tools.

We will call this MACHINE_1 from now on, which is for compiling Petalinux. Note that this MACHINE_1 may potentially be the same physical machine as of MACHINE_0, but we recommend the use of two different physical machines for preventing any library conflictions.


You might need a Windows machine to adjust some board's settings (as it appears that the corresponding Xilinx tool is only available in Windows).

Hadware Design

This section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Clone the hardware repo (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_HW_SRC>.
  2. Open Vivado and create a new hardware project in <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_VIVADO_HW_DESIGN>. Create Vivado Hardware Project
  3. Make sure that the hardware project is created for the ZCU106 evaluation board. Create Vivado Hardware Project with Corresponding Board
  4. Add all constraints from <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_HW_SRC>/constraints/ to the project: File -> Add Sources -> Add or create constraints (Remember to select copy to the project directory). Add Design Constraints
  5. Add all sources from <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_HW_SRC>/sources/ to the project: File -> Add Sources -> Add or create design sources (Remember to select copy to the project directory). Add Design Sources
  6. In the TCL console, type source <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_HW_SRC>/bd.tcl and enter. This will create the entire ProvCam hardware design automatically.
  7. After sourcing, in the TCL console, type regenerate_bd_layout and enter. You will see a block design similar to the figure below. For a more detailed block deisgn illustration, please refer to this PDF. Block Design Preview
  8. Under the Sources Tab (wiht Hierarchy view), select and right click bd ( Find BD under Sources Tab
  9. Click "Generate Output Products". Click Generate Output Products
  10. Generate the output products with the following options (note that you may choose the number of jobs/threads based on your machine's spec). Generate Output Products Options
  11. Repeat step 8, and click "Create HDL Wrapper". Click Create HDL Wrapper
  12. Check "Let Vivado manage wrapper and auto-update" and click OK. Create HDL Wrapper with Options
  13. Under the Sources Tab (wiht Hierarchy view), select and right click the newly generated bd_wrapper (bd_wrapper.v). Select Wrapper under Sources
  14. Click "Set as Top". Set BD Wrapper as Top
  15. Generate bitstream. This step might take a few hours depending on your machine. Generate Bitstream
  16. Once done, export the hardware to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_XSA>: File -> Export -> Export Hardware. Please remember to select "include bitstream". Export Hardware Including Bitstream


Assuming you have the hardware design XSA file named PROVCAM_XSA.
This section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Clone the firmware repo (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_SRC>.
  2. Open Vitis classic (vitis -classic) under a new workspace <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_WS>.
  3. Create a new platform project with PROVCAM_XSA using the confiration shown in the following figure. Create Platform Project
  4. Create a new application project named PROVCAM_FW_APP with the previously created platform project and its domain. Please remember to select "Hello World" as the development template.
  5. Copy (and overwrite) everything inside <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_SRC> to the newly created application project's src folder (<PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_WS>/PROVCAM_FW_APP/src/).
  6. Build the application project: In Vitis's Explorer tab, right click the application project -> Build Project. Build Vitis Project
  7. Once the build is done, you will find the firmware binary in <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_WS>/PROVCAM_FW_APP/Debug/PROVCAM_FW_APP.elf.


Assuming you have the hardware design XSA file PROVCAM_XSA under <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_XSA>. Please note the difference between these two terms, as one represents the file itself, and the one represents the directory containing the file.
Assuming you have the firmware binary PROVCAM_FW_APP_ELF.
Assuming you have the official Petalinux toolset installed at <PATH_TO_PETALINUX_INSTALLATION>.
This section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_1.

  1. Download the Xilinx VCU TRD 2020.1 from this link and extract it to <PATH_TO_TRD_SRC>. (Note that you may need a Xilinx account to access the download link)
  2. Clone the OS repo (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_OS_SRC>.
  3. Clone the libraries repo (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_LIBS_SRC>.
  4. Clone the misc repo (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>.
  5. Open a terminal and source the Petalinux toolset: source <PATH_TO_PETALINUX_INSTALLATION>/
  6. Navigate to the board support package (BSP) directory: cd <PATH_TO_TRD_SRC>/apu/vcu_petalinux_bsp/.
  7. Create a new Petalinux project: petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx-vcu-zcu106-v2020.1-final.bsp, and navigate to the newly created Petalinux project: cd xilinx-vcu-zcu106-v2020.1-final. (Assume the path of the Petalinux project from now on is <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>).
  8. Copy <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/project-spec/ to the Petalinux project's directory: cp -r <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/project-spec/ <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>/.
  9. Modify first line of <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_LIBS_SRC>/ to point to the Petalinux project's directory <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>.
  10. Execute <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_LIBS_SRC>/ to generate and install patches for the Petalinux project.
  11. Navigate to the Petalinux project's directory: cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT> and execute petalinux-config --get-hw-description=<PATH_TO_PROVCAM_XSA> to configure the project.
  12. In the pop-up window, select "Linux Components Selection" -> "linux-kernel" and change to "ext-local-src". Then under the same "Linux Components Selection" menu, select "External linux-kernel local source settings" -> "External linux-kernel local source path" and enter <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_OS_SRC>. Exit the configuration menu and save the configuration after that.
  13. Build the Petalinux project: petalinux-build. This step might take a few hours depending on your machine.
  14. After the build is done, navigate to cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_XSA> and execute unzip PROVCAM_XSA. (XSA file is essentially just an archive of the hardware design)
  15. Navigate back to the Petalinux project cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>, and copy PROVCAM_FW_APP_ELF to the Petalinux project's directory: cp PROVCAM_FW_APP_ELF <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>/.
  16. Copy <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/ to the Petalinux project's directory: cp -r <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/ <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>/.
  17. Modify the first four lines to their corresponding values:\
  • VITIS_INSTALLATION should point to the installation folder of Vitis.\
  • PROJECT_DIR should point to the Petalinux project's directory (<PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>).\
  • XSA_DIR should point to the directory containing the unzipped XSA file (<PATH_TO_PROVCAM_XSA>).\
  • XSA_NAME should be the name of the XSA file (PROVCAM_XSA) without its extension .xsa.
  1. Execute <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>/ to merge the firmware binary into the Petalinux project.
  2. Navigate to the comiled images of the Petalinux project: cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_PROJECT>/images/linux/. (We assume this folder is <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_IMAGES> from now on)
  3. Create the boot image: petalinux-package --boot --fsbl zynqmp_fsbl.elf --u-boot u-boot.elf --pmufw pmufw.elf --fpga system.bit --force.


Preparing the SD Card

Assuming the directory containing the compiled images of the Petalinux project is <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_IMAGES>.
This sub-section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_1.

  1. Insert the SD card and mount it to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_SDCARD>. (Note that the SD card should be formatted to FAT32)
  2. You have two options in this step:
    If you choose to follow this manual step by step, please use the following option A:
    A-1. Navigate to cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_PETALINUX_IMAGES> and copy BOOT.BIN, image.ub and boot.scr to the SD card: cp BOOT.BIN image.ub boot.scr <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_SDCARD>/.
    A-2. Navigate to cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/precompiled/sdcard/ and copy config files to the SD card: cp -r config/ <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_SDCARD>/.
    If you choose to use the precompiled images, please use the following option B:
    B-1. If not done yet, clone the misc repo first (git clone to <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>.
    B-2. Navigate to cd <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_MISC_SRC>/precompiled/sdcard/ and copy everything to the SD card: cp -r * <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_SDCARD>/. (Note that we store one of the image files image.ub with Git LFS, so please make sure you have Git LFS installed and the image file is properly downloaded)\
  3. Unmount the SD card and insert it into the ZCU106 board.

Hardware Preparation

This sub-section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Connect both JTAG and UART of the board to MACHINE_0.
  2. Set the board's SW6 switches to the same configuration as shown in the figure below, which is for telling the board to boot from SD card. ZCU106 SW6 Switches
  3. Connect the LI-IMX274MIPI-FMC image sensor to the FMC0 connector and set the FMC0's VADJ to 1.2V (please follow the official guide to adjust the voltage).

Preparing the UART Consoles

Assuming you have the ZCU106 evaluation board's UART connected to MACHINE_0.
This sub-section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Open a terminal and execute ll -h /dev/serial/by-id/ and you are supposed to see something similar to below. Find UART Ports
  2. The first UART port (ttyUSB9 in the figure above) is used by the ProvCam OS, where the third UART port (ttyUSB11 in the figure above) is used by the ProvCam firmware.
  3. Open the OS UART port using minicom: sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB9. Make sure your minicom is configured as shown in the figure below (you can enter configuration of minicom by pressing CTRL+A and O -> "Serial port setup"). From now on we will call this terminal CONSOLE_OS. Minicom Configuration for OS
  4. Open another terminal and open the firmware UART port using minicom: sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB11. Make sure your minicom is configured as shown in the figure below (you can enter configuration of minicom by pressing CTRL+A and O -> "Serial port setup"). From now on we will call this terminal CONSOLE_FW. Minicom Configuration for Firmware

Preparing the Vitis Debug Environment

Assuming you have the ZCU106 evaluation board's JTAG connected to MACHINE_0.
Assuming you have the hardware design XSA file named PROVCAM_XSA.
Assuming you have both CONSOLE_OS and CONSOLE_FW opened.
This sub-section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Open Vitis classic (vitis -classic) under a new workspace <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_DEBUG>. (Note that this could be the same workspace as <PATH_TO_PROVCAM_FW_WS>, as we are only using this to trigger Vitis's debug mode)
  2. You have two options in this step:
    If you choose to follow this manual step by step, please use the following option A:
    A. Create a new application project named PROVCAM_DEBUG_APP with the platform project created in the firmware section and its domain. Please remember to select "Hello World" as the development template.
    If you choose to use the precompiled images, please use the following option B:
    B. Create a new application project named PROVCAM_DEBUG_APP with a new platform from hardware PROVCAM_XSA. Please remember to select "Hello World" as the development template.
    Create Application Project with New Platform Project
  3. Build the application project: In Vitis's Explorer tab, right click the application project -> Build Project. (See the figure in step 6 of the firmware section)
  4. Once the build is done, turn on the ZCU106 evaluation board.
  5. Once the board is on, click "Debug" button and select "Debug Configurations". Open Debug Configurations
  6. In the pop-up windows, right-click "Single Application Debug" and select "New Configuration". Create New Debug Configuration
  7. Configure the debug options as shown in the figure below and click "Debug". Configure Debug Options
  8. Once the board is programmed and the debug is started, you Vitis should be in debug mode similar to the figure below. Vitis Debug Mode Preview
  9. Turn off the board without closing Vitis. (Here we're essentially just activating Vitis's debug mode, and we will not use Vitis to program the board again)

Running ProvCam

Assuming you have the SD card containing the compiled images of everything of ProvCam inserted into the ZCU106 evaluation board.
Assuming you have both CONSOLE_OS and CONSOLE_FW opened.
Assuming you have Vitis opened in debug mode.
This sub-section is supposed to be done using MACHINE_0.

  1. Turn on the ZCU106 evaluation board.
  2. Wait for the OS to boot up and you should see the OS's booting log in CONSOLE_OS and the firmware's booting log in CONSOLE_FW.
  3. Once the OS is booted, you should see the OS's login prompt in CONSOLE_OS.
  4. Login to the OS using the default username and password (both are "root"). (You should see something similar to the two figures below on CONSOLE_OS and CONSOLE_FW) OS Boot Log FW Boot Log
  5. In Vitis debug mode's Debug tab, select "MicroBlaze #0 (Running)". Select MicroBlaze #0
  6. In Vitis debug mode's Memory tab, add a new monitor at address 0x240000. Add New Memory Monitor
  7. In the newly added memory monitor, rewrite the value of address 0x240008 to 0x00000001. After confirming the change of the value from the memory monitor, set the value back to 0x00000000. (This step triggers a manual reset of ProvCam's hardware; note that this is recommended but optional, and you may skip this step if you don't want to reset the hardware) Rewrite Memory Value for Reset
  8. On CONSOLE_OS, execute vcu_gst_app /media/card/config/4-1080p60/Record/4_1080p60_AVC_15Mbps_mipi.cfg to start the video recording. (Note that you may need to adjust the path of the configuration file based on your SD card's content; please directly modify the config file if needed)
  9. Press CTRL+C to stop the video recording on CONSOLE_OS at anytime. (You should see something similar to the two figures below on CONSOLE_OS and CONSOLE_FW) OS Capture Log FW Capture Log
  10. Once the video recording is stopped, you can find the recorded video in the designated folder (default is /media/card/test_direct_mipi_1.ts). (You may also copy the video to a USB drive if you have one inserted into the board)



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