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Repository contains rest api test framework for Platform and rest api test cases.


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Running platform tests


  • Recommended OS - Ubuntu 14, Centos 7
  • access to the Web (several tests rely on Web resources)
  • key key.dat to decrypt repository secrets (ask repository owner) - not needed for smoke tests


1. Access to jumpbox You'll need to export the path to jumpbox key as PT_NG_JUMP_KEY_PATH

2. Install required packages Ubuntu:

sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa:avacariu/git-crypt
sudo -E apt update
sudo -E apt install python3.4 python3.4-dev git git-crypt build-essential g++ libssl-dev


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install gcc libffi-devel python-devel python34 python34-devel python34-setuptools openssl-devel maven make
sudo easy_install pip

3. Clone this repository

git clone

4. Decrypt repository secrets (not needed for smoke test)

Place key.dat in /platform-tests directory.

cd platform-tests

Check that secrets are decrypted correctly:

cat platform-tests/project/secrets/gmail-code.json

If the file looks normal, secrets have been decrypted.

5. Set up virtualenv


This will create pyvenv with all Python packages required in ~/virtualenvs/pyvenv_api_tests.

6. Configure test admin user -- only if it's not already present on an environment

To run tests, we need a test admin user for tests with appropriate roles and authorizations. To create such user, use script platform-tests/deploy/ The script requires uaac.

install uaac Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration
sudo gem install cf-uaac


sudo yum install rubygems ruby-devel gcc-c++
sudo gem install cf-uaac

run the script - (if there is already a user username you get the error "username already in use: username")

cd platform-tests
./deploy/ <domain> <uaa client pass> <username> <password>
  • domain: e.g.
  • uaa client pass: uaa password for user admin
  • username: e.g. taptester
  • password: password for your taptester user

Run tests from command line

The best way to run the tests from command line is to use the script located in the project directory. The script activates virtualenv and runs the tests.

Configuration (e.g. TAP domain) is defined using environment variables. They are parsed in platform-tests/project/ This is also where you can find names of the variables.

There are three options to define configuration:

  1. export all variables before running tests

  2. create a file platform-tests/project/ with environment variable defined like this:

import os
os.environ["PT_TAP_DOMAIN"] = ""
os.environ["PT_ADMIN_USERNAME"] = "taptester"
os.environ["PT_ADMIN_PASSWORD"] = "<password>"
os.environ["PT_NG_JUMP_IP"] = "<jumpbox_ip>"
os.environ["PT_NG_JUMP_KEY_PATH"] = "<jumpbox_key_path>"
os.environ["PT_K8S_SERVICE_AUTH_PASSWORD"] = "<kubernetes-password>"
  1. export the variables in

The script accepts standard py.test parameters.

To run smoke tests: ./ tests/test_smoke > <log_file> 2>&1

To run components tests: ./ tests/test_components > <log_file> 2>&1

To run functional tests: ./ tests/test_functional > <log_file> 2>&1

To run functional tests of user-management, excluding long tests: ./ tests/test_functional -m "user_management and not long"

Tests log to both stdout, and stderr, so to save output to a file, use > <log_file> 2>&1.

Rerunning failed tests

To run only tests that failed on TC:

  1. Go to the given test run and artifact tab.

  2. Download lastfailed/lastfailed file and put it on /path/to/platform-tests/project/.cache/v/cache/ directory.

  3. Run tests from command line with --lf (--last-failed) flag.

Due to issues with mongo reporter it might be necessary to specify a tests path. In this case just use a directory that contains all failed tests (e.g. platform-tests/project/tests). Full command should looks like ./ tests --lf.

Running parametrized tests with single parameter only

In order to run test with only single parameter it is possible to run pytest with --only-with-param argument.

For example to run test_create_and_delete_marketplace_service_instances only for gateway with Single plan run: ./ tests/test_smoke/ --only-with-param [gateway-single]

Run smoke tests on bastion

Ssh to your bastion using <jumpbox_key> (if you don't know bastion address, but you know the environment is deployed automatically on TeamCity, you'll find bastion address in platform-deployment-tests/deployment-init configuration, step Update domain IP addresses)

Note: to clone the repository, either use http, or copy your private key:

scp -i ./<jumpbox_key> [your_private_key] [user]@[bastion_address]:/[path_to_ssh]/.ssh/[your_private_key]
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add .ssh/[your_private_key]

Note: If the Platform version is other than the newest version, checkout analogous version of platform-tests, e.g.

git checkout tests/v0.7
  • Run smoke tests
cd /platform-test/project
./ tests/test_smoke > <log_file> 2>&1

Useful options:

  • If you export PT_TAP_REPOS_DIRECTORY, all repositories will be retrieved from there, and tests won't download them from github.

Creating offline package

cd /platform-tests

The package will be present in /TAP-tests-<tests_version>.zip. The version is taken from .bumversion.cfg.

Creating virtual environment from offline package

mkdir platform-tests
cd platform-tests
unzip ../TAP-tests-<tests_version>.zip
./deploy/ --vendor vendor

By default virtual environment will be created in ~/virtualenvs/pyvenv_api_tests. It can be changed with parameter --pyvenv path.