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Google Keep TODO

Statistics exporter and task planner for Google Keep task lists.

Example user flow


  • stats - export statistics for task lists as CSV
  • plan - schedule regular task lists from template


  • Calculate overall completion rate for task lists by keyword
  • Aggregate task list completion daily/weekly/monthly/yearly
  • Export time series data and aggregates as CSV
  • Configurable date formats

Supported metrics:

  • Number of checked items
  • Number of unchecked items
  • Total items
  • Completion rate


This script requires Python 3.9+,, and a couple more libraries to run. Install the pre-requisite libraries via Pip3:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Optional: make the script executable:

chmod +x

Preventing "Authentication failed" on some systems

On some systems the authentication fails even with valid credentials. This may happen because of two reasons: either Google issues a CAPTCHA for your IP address, or SSL certificate validation fails.

To fix the CAPTCHA problem, try using the Unlock CAPTCHA link before retrying login.

To try fixing the SSL problem, revert to an older version of the following library:

pip3 install requests==2.23.0


This tool is configured via a config file, to avoid reentering parameters on every call. Copy the example config file:

cp gkeeptodo.example.ini gkeeptodo.ini

And edit it to come up with your own setup.

Then you can simply call the script in one of the available ways:

# or

For available command line options see the help page:

./ -h


gkeeptodo can use the operating system key ring to save the access token securely. First time you need to authenticate with your password by running the login command:

./ login

If it authenticates successfully and your operating system supports key ring, access token is saved and from the next time onwards you can use it without login and password prompt won't be necessary:


Collecting statistics

Default command is stats which collects statistics, given the metrics configured in the config file. Calling

./ stats

is equivalent to just


To filter the data by date range use the --from-date (-f) and --to-date (-t) options, e.g.:

./ stats -f 2020-01-01 -t 2020-12-31

The range boundaries are inclusive. If any of these two options is omitted, the boundary stays open and includes all data available.


By default, CSV export is written to files in the current folder. Each metric is written in a separate file called {Metric}_{mode}_{timestamp}.csv.

You can disable CSV export by adding --dry option:

./ --dry

Use the --verbose or -v option to enable verbose printing of the results in the console, e.g.:

./ -v
./ -v --dry

Planning repetitive task lists


./ plan -f <from-date> -t <to-date>

you can create repetitive task lists in your Google Keep account from template. An example template is described in gkeeptodo.example.ini. More information on how to configure templates in the Configuration section.

For instance, if you have a daily template configured in the gkeeptodo.ini file, you can generate a task list per each day from 1st of January 2021 to 9th of January 2021 with the following command:

./ plan -f 2021-01-01 -t 2021-01-09


This section describes configuration options available in gkeeptodo.ini file. See also gkeeptodo.example.ini.


The user section is an easy way to save your Google account, so you don't have to enter it manually every time you use the command.



The formats section sets up date formats that you use in the titles for your task lists. It helps the program parse your TODO titles like Cooking 2020-12-30 and understand that the task category is Cooking and the date is 30th of December, 2020. Or vice versa, when generating TODOs from templates, it helps to put the correct dates in the generated task list titles.

The script uses directives described in Python's strptime function docs. The default ones use ISO-like formats:

yearly=%Y      # example: 2020
monthly=%Y-%m  # example: 2020-12
weekly=%Y-W%W  # example: 2020-W52
daily=%Y-%m-%d # example: 2020-12-24

For example, %Y will be replaced with an actual year and become 2021. Or vice versa, when scanning your TODOs, given %Y in the date pattern, it expects a year number to be in that position.

Here is another example using US date format:

yearly=%Y      # example: 2020
monthly=%B %Y  # example: December 2020
weekly=%Y-W%W  # example: 2020-W52
daily=%m/%d/%Y # example: 12/24/2020


Metrics configure statistics collected per category. Each metric entry corresponds to one category. There can be multiple metrics in the configuration, and each metric may collect data and output statistics in multiple modes. Example:

[metric: Work]
modes=total, weekly, monthly

In this example we create a metic called Work which measures progress on task lists in "Work" category.

The keyword is used as a category prefix. The script will search all your Google Keep task lists that start with that keyword and are followed by corresponding date formats (see Formats section above). For example, it will match entries like Work 2020-12-01 and Work 2020-12-02 and put them in category Work as 2 data points for different days.

The modes is a comma separated list of interval types which you want to collect statistics for. For example, if you want statistics aggregated by month, you should add monthly mode to the list. In the above example we ar interested in overall statistics, as well as data aggregated by week and month.

All supported modes are:

  • total - overall statistics for all time
  • yearly - statistics aggregated by year
  • monthly - statistics aggregated by month
  • daily - statistics for every day


Templates are used to plan repetitive task lists. Each template entry configures a task list. You can add more than one template in configuration.


[template: Wellness]
title=Wellness {date} # {date} is replaced with actual formatted date
items=Meditate, Walk outside, Workout
labels=personal # optional, comma separated
color=green # optional

The name of this template is Wellness. And as the title goes, each title will start with prefix Wellness followed by a date, e.g. 2020-12-24.

The mode setting configures the frequency interval, which is used to generate a sequence of task lists with this template. Valid modes are: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For example, in weekly mode given a range from 2021-01-01 to 2021-01-30 the tool will generate 5 task lists: 2020-W53, 2021-W01, 2021-W02, 2021-W03, 2021-W04, each of them prefixed with the keyword according to title format (which is "Wellness" in the example above).

The items option contains comma separated tasks for the task list.

The labels are comma separated labels. You should already have these labels configured in your Google Keep account, non-existent labels are ignored. This setting is optional.

The color option assigns a color to the note in Google Keep. Supported values: blue, brown, dark-blue, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, white, yellow. This setting is optional.


This tool uses the unofficial Google Keep API by kiwiz. Google Keep is of course a registered trademark of Google and neither the API nor this script are affiliated with Google.


Statistics and planner tool for Google Keep task lists






