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Vital React Native Library

The Vital React Native Library, allows developers to easily connect to Vital's API using React Native. Our React Native library mirrors the functionality of our iOS and Android SDKs. It is a wrapper around the native SDKs, and it exposes the same methods and events. It is split into three parts: Core, Health and BLE Devices. They can be used interchangeably, but you need to install them separately. An example app project can be found under the example directory at the project root.

The documentation can be found here.

SDK requirements

The SDKs require a minimum deployment target of 14.0+ on iOS. Note that you might need to update your Podfile in addition to the Xcode project:

# Podfile

-platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported
+platform :ios, '14.0'

Building the example app

The Vital React Native Library requires the following toolchains being present in the environment:

  • Node.js + Yarn package manager
  • Ruby + Bundler dependency manager (for iOS builds)
  • JDK/JRE (for Android builds)

The example app can be built and launched in three simple steps:

# Resolve and install dependencies.
yarn install

# Build all the packages.
yarn run example:build:ios
yarn run example:build:android

# Run the sample app via the Metro bundler
yarn run example:start:ios
yarn run example:start:android

Android Gradle setting notes

In your root project Gradle file (./build.gradle), ensure that your Kotlin Gradle Plugin version is in sync with the Kotlin version.

 buildscript {
   ext {
     kotlinVersion = "1.8.22"

   dependencies {
-    classpath("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin")
+    classpath("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion")

In your app project Gradle file (./app/build.gradle), ensure that you have enabled Core Library Desugaring if you target API Level <32.

 android {
    compileOptions {
+     coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true

 dependencies {
    // Either: Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0 or above
+   coreLibraryDesugaring("")

    // Or: Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0
+   coreLibraryDesugaring("")

Expo installation

This package cannot be used in the "Expo Go" app because it requires custom native code.

First install the package with yarn, npm, or npx expo install.

expo install @tryvital/vital-core-react-native
expo install @tryvital/vital-health-react-native

After installing this npm package, add the config plugin to the plugins array of your app.json or app.config.js:

  "expo": {
    "plugins": [

Next, rebuild your app as described in the "Adding custom native code" guide.


The plugin provides props for extra customization. Every time you change the props or plugins, you'll need to rebuild (and prebuild) the native app. If no extra properties are added, defaults will be used.

  • healthSharePermission (string): Sets the iOS NSHealthShareUsageDescription permission message to the Info.plist. Defaults to Allow $(PRODUCT_NAME) to check health info.


  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "healthSharePermission": "Custom health share permission"

Background Processing

Background processing is not currently supported by this plugin.


This plugin will enable the iOS entitlement, but in order to sync this with the bundle identifier' production capabilities you'll need to do one of two things:

  • Automatic: Build the app with EAS build
  • Manual: Visit Apple developer portal and enable the HealthKit capability for your bundle identifier before building for production. This can also be done via Xcode.