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Releases: tryal-leaf/ravager-origin

Ravager Origin v1.3.3

17 May 03:49
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Minor Changes

  • Added README to jar

Ravager Origin v1.3.1

07 May 19:31
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Minor Changes

  • Updated README with source code link.

Ravager Origin v1.3.0

03 May 23:06
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Power Changes

  • Heavyweight includes reduced swim speed.

  • Ram allows you to instantly break leaves during its duration.

Bug Fixes

  • Player entities are filtered out when adding to ravager-angry on hit.

Ravager Origin v1.2.0

01 May 15:43
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Power Changes

  • Heavyweight now prevents you from riding boats.

Ravager Origin v1.1.1

01 May 15:10
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Minor Changes

  • Updated the description of Giant to be more accurate.

Bug Fixes

  • Automatically heal the extra hearts given by Tough upon choosing the origin, respawning, or logging in.

Ravager Origin v1.1.0

30 Apr 16:15
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Minor Changes

  • Updated the Enemy of the State description to be more clear about naturally spawned golems.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed the delay when adding Illager mobs to team ravager.

Ravager Origin v1.0.1

30 Apr 13:43
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Initial Release

Added the Ravager origin.


Ravagers are fierce creatures with incredible strength and durability. However, their size and intimidating reputation come with consequences.

🟢 Ram: You are able to give your attacks extreme knockback for a few seconds.
🟢 Illager: Illager-aligned mobs will not attack you unless provoked.
🟢 Tough: Your natural bulk gives you increased health (+4 hearts) and armor (+2 armor bars).

🟡 Giant: You are 2.5 times the size of a normal human.

🔴 Four-Legged: Your clumsy hands are unable to use more than one item at a time. You can't use any item in your offhand.
🔴 Enemy of the State: Villagers refuse to trade with you, and Iron Golems will attack on sight.
🔴 Heavyweight: You are too heavy to ride on any mobs.