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Christopher Lowiec edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 3 revisions

Snippets Library Logo

SnippetsLibrary Wiki

Welcome to the SnippetsLibrary wiki. Here you will be able to find quick guides to setup and use our app on your Mac. You can also review full and detailed references to all of our services, tools, and features.


SnippetsLibrary is a tool in the form of an macOS application created by developers for Developers, who use the SwiftUI framework on a daily basis, to facilitate access to all types of structures used in private and commercial projects.

Our goal is to create, in cooperation with the contributors, the largest possible database of code snippets, which through the native application on the macOS, will be available for easy and quick use in everyday work - SnippetsLibrary is a tool that exists to facilitate and speed up work by providing ready-to-use code block templates.

Getting started

To start working with SnippetsLibrary you should:

  • Clone the project from the url:
  • Contact us at or DM us on Twitter for the necessary accesses and certificates
  • Select and assignee to yourself one of the tasks included in the SNLB project in the To do section
    ... and you're ready to go.


All code contributions must go through a pull request and be approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure a proper review of all the code.

We truly ❤️ pull requests! If you wish to help, you can email us at or DM us on Twitter.

Learn more

Join our growing community around the world! See our official Blog. Follow us on Twitter for more help, ideas, and discussions.

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