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What is it ?

Our platform operates as a secure and user-centric environment, significantly improving document interactions. We employ the Onyx SSI SDK for Document Verification, guaranteeing the legitimacy of signed documents by verifying users' identity and credentials. This enhancement in security fosters trust among users.

Users can Create new documents to be signed, add signers to them, sign documents after verifying their identity ,track their status.

In essence, our platform provides a secure and efficient way for users to sign documents, verify their identity, and carry out transactions, all while delivering a seamless and trusted user experience.

Tech Used

  1. Onyx SSI SDK for Document Verification:
    • The Onyx SSI SDK is used to verify that users signing the document have presented the correct verifiable presentation for Verified Name. This ensures the authenticity of the user's identity and credentials, enhancing the security and trustworthiness of the signed documents.
    • By integrating the Onyx SSI SDK, we've leveraged Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) principles to establish a secure and privacy-preserving way of verifying user identities and their claims.
  2. Magic Link SDK for Onboarding:
    • The Magic Link SDK is utilized for onboarding users using their social identity, making it easy for users to sign up and log in to our platform.
    • This simplifies the onboarding process and enhances user experiences by providing a convenient and secure authentication method.
  3. Biconomy SDK for Enhanced User Experience:
    • The Biconomy SDK is integrated into our platform to provide various features, including Social Login, Paymaster, and Session Keys.
    • Social Login allows users to log in using their social media accounts, reducing friction during the onboarding process.
    • Paymaster facilitates gasless transactions, by sponsoring gas payments for various functions like createDoc, signDocument, addSigner.
    • Session Keys Module ensures generating of Sessions and saving this enables user from not signing message again and again.


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