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Grades - Tracking courses and calculating GPA

About this project

As a student, I've been using an Excel file to organize the courses I've been attended each year and semester and to calculate annual and general GPA. After a talk with a friend, who is a student nowadays, about this old method, I've decided to develop this native app, so he and every other student will be able to track his courses and grades without any effort.

Grades is a simple app that organizes courses by years and semesters, achieved and unachieved credits, grades and GPA. All you need to do is insert your courses and grades and let the app do its job!

Some technical details about this project: The app was developed using React Native, Redux as state management and AsyncStorage to save the data locally. The data is stored in a Map and I've been using immutability-helper for quick and efficient operations. Also, the app has a toggle switch between light and dark mode (using AsyncStorage and Redux).

Project stack:

React Native Redux Figma



Tracking courses and calculating GPA app



