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My First Bank - Money tracking app for kids

About this project

My twin nephews have celebrated 9 years old this week, and since they're growing up, they're getting weekly pocket money and saving money in order to buy toys, games and more with their money.

So, as a gift for their birthday, I've developed a "bank app" for them - an app that will help them to track their savings, do "deposit" or "withdrawal" and insert goals that they're saving money for.

A goal contains a progress bar that shows them the progress until they will have enough money to buy it. When it's happed, they can mark this goal as bought, and the currency will drop down and a withdrawal will display.

Some technical details about this project: The app was developed using React Native, Redux as state management and AsyncStorage to save the data locally.

Project stack:

React Native Redux Figma



Money tracking app for kids



