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Thea Barnes edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 3 revisions

Configuring epdtext

Your settings for epdtext are stored in There's an example,, included in the repository. The options are documented there as well, but for reference the available options are also described here.


  • DEBUG - set to True to enable debug messages (default: False)
  • DRIVER - which waveshare_epd driver to use (default: "epd2in7b")
  • LOGFILE - file path to save the logs to a file, set to None to disable (default: None)
  • LOGO - path to the logo displayed on the uptime screen (default: "/home/pi/epdtext/logo.png")
  • FONT - path to a TTF font file to use (default: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf")
  • TIME - amount of time in seconds to wait between automatic reloads (default: 900)
  • CALENDAR_URLS - a list of calendars with type and URL of the calendar (default: empty list)
    • each entry in the list should have both the type and url fields
    • For example, to access a CalDAV calendar on
      • { type: 'caldav', url: '' }
  • CALENDAR_REFRESH - amount of time in seconds to wait between fetching calendar events from the servers (default: 900)
  • TIMEZONE - sets the timezone to use for calendar and tasks (default: system timezone)
  • SCREENS - the list of screens to load and use (default: load all screens located in the screens/ directory)
  • AFFIRMATIONS - a list of messages to be randomly displayed on the affirmations screen

DEBUG = False

# ** Leave commented to log to console **
# LOGFILE = '/home/pi/epd.log'

# Path to the logo to print on the `uptime` screen
# ** Must be a black and white 45x45 image file **
LOGO = '/home/pi/epdtext/logo.png'

# Monospace fonts are recommended, as the text wrapping is based on character length
FONT = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf'

# How long to wait (in seconds) before automatically redrawing the screen
TIME = 900

# Note: you *must* define at least one calendar to use the 'calendar' screen,
#       and at least one caldav calendar to use the 'tasks' screen.
    { type: 'webcal', url: '<enter your webcal address>' },
    { type: 'caldav', url: '<enter your caldav address>', username: '<caldav username>', password: '<caldav password' },

# How long to wait before pulling the calendar events from the web again

# Default timezone to use for calendar and tasks screens

# See the `screens` directory for available screens, or create your own (see the wiki)

# The affirmations to display, include anything that would help to be occasionally reminded of!
    '<list your affirmations here>',
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