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tschaumburg edited this page Feb 14, 2015 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the MythRecordings.bundle wiki!

This bundle is a plug-in for the Plex Media Server, which is available at [] ( If you don't know Plex, follow the link and learn.

The MythRecordings bundle allows Plex users to browse and play back TV recordings made by a MythTV server. If you don't know what MythTV is, go to [] ( and learn.

For a list of the features of MythRecordings, go to the Features page.

You want screenshots? We have screenshots: iPad screenshots, Web screenshots and Android screenshots. I've also tested the channel on a Roku 3, but I don't know how to make screenshots of that (short of taking a photo of the TV-screen).

Ready to install? Go to the Installation page.

If you're having problems with the installation, go to the Debugging page