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feat: erc1155 example w/ ownable/pausable (vyperlang#2807)
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* Created ERC1155 ownable example/template

* Applied most of proposed changes

* Applied more of the feedback.

* ERC165 fix

* Applied @view/@pure, updated test to accomodate

* Moved tests into the correct folder

* added interface

* refactor: clean up built-in interface

* rewrote tests to use eth-tester

* cleaned up brownie tests in favor of eth-tester

* Update examples/tokens/ERC1155ownable.vy

Co-authored-by: El De-dog-lo <>

* applied proposed changes in contract and tests

* interface fix / callback bytes constant

* Ownership test assertion to ZERO_ADDRESS

* reworked uri part, simplified tests

* Fixed all testscript issues

* refactor: apply suggestions from code review

* Update examples/tokens/ERC1155ownable.vy

Co-authored-by: El De-dog-lo <>

* Update examples/tokens/ERC1155ownable.vy

Co-authored-by: El De-dog-lo <>

* applied codebase shrink tips, adjusted tests

* cleaning up commented out code

* refactor: flip orientation of `balanceOf`

* test: update tests for switch of args to `balanceOf`

* pull, isort, black, push

* Resolved linter issues

* Linter fixes for ERC1155 test script

* Fixed ownership check in safeTransferFrom

* Fixed setURI permissions, updated to docstrings

* Minor test update

Co-authored-by: El De-dog-lo <>
  • Loading branch information
tserg and fubuloubu committed May 13, 2022
1 parent bd1121d commit 3574673
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Showing 2 changed files with 731 additions and 0 deletions.
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions examples/tokens/ERC1155ownable.vy
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@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
# @version >=0.3.3
@dev Implementation of ERC-1155 non-fungible token standard ownable, with approval, OPENSEA compatible (name, symbol)
@author Dr. Pixel (github: @Doc-Pixel)
############### imports ###############
from vyper.interfaces import ERC165

############### variables ###############
# maximum items in a batch call. Set to 128, to be determined what the practical limits are.
BATCH_SIZE: constant(uint256) = 128

# callback number of bytes
CALLBACK_NUMBYTES: constant(uint256) = 4096

# URI length set to 1024.
MAX_URI_LENGTH: constant(uint256) = 1024

# the contract owner
# not part of the core spec but a common feature for NFT projects
owner: public(address)

# pause status True / False
# not part of the core spec but a common feature for NFT projects
paused: public(bool)

# the contracts URI to find the metadata
_uri: String[MAX_URI_LENGTH]

# NFT marketplace compatibility
name: public(String[128])
symbol: public(String[16])

# Interface IDs
ERC165_INTERFACE_ID: constant(bytes4) = 0x01ffc9a7
ERC1155_INTERFACE_ID: constant(bytes4) = 0xd9b67a26
ERC1155_INTERFACE_ID_METADATA: constant(bytes4) = 0x0e89341c

# mappings

# Mapping from token ID to account balances
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])

# Mapping from account to operator approvals
isApprovedForAll: public( HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]])

############### events ###############
event Paused:
# Emits a pause event with the address that paused the contract
account: address

event unPaused:
# Emits an unpause event with the address that paused the contract
account: address

event OwnershipTransferred:
# Emits smart contract ownership transfer from current to new owner
previouwOwner: address
newOwner: address

event TransferSingle:
# Emits on transfer of a single token
operator: indexed(address)
fromAddress: indexed(address)
to: indexed(address)
id: uint256
value: uint256

event TransferBatch:
# Emits on batch transfer of tokens. the ids array correspond with the values array by their position
operator: indexed(address) # indexed
fromAddress: indexed(address)
to: indexed(address)
ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE]
values: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE]

event ApprovalForAll:
# This emits when an operator is enabled or disabled for an owner. The operator manages all tokens for an owner
account: indexed(address)
operator: indexed(address)
approved: bool

event URI:
# This emits when the URI gets changed
value: String[MAX_URI_LENGTH]
id: uint256

############### interfaces ###############
implements: ERC165

interface IERC1155Receiver:
def onERC1155Received(
operator: address,
sender: address,
id: uint256,
amount: uint256,
) -> bytes32: payable
def onERC1155BatchReceived(
operator: address,
sender: address,
ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE],
amounts: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE],
) -> bytes4: payable

interface IERC1155MetadataURI:
def uri(id: uint256) -> String[MAX_URI_LENGTH]: view

############### functions ###############

def __init__(name: String[128], symbol: String[16], uri: String[1024]):
@dev contract initialization on deployment
@dev will set name and symbol, interfaces, owner and URI
@dev self.paused will default to false
@param name the smart contract name
@param symbol the smart contract symbol
@param uri the new uri for the contract
""" = name
self.symbol = symbol
self.owner = msg.sender
self._uri = uri

## contract status ##
def pause():
@dev Pause the contract, checks if the caller is the owner and if the contract is paused already
@dev emits a pause event
@dev not part of the core spec but a common feature for NFT projects
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"
assert not self.paused, "the contract is already paused"
self.paused = True
log Paused(msg.sender)

def unpause():
@dev Unpause the contract, checks if the caller is the owner and if the contract is paused already
@dev emits an unpause event
@dev not part of the core spec but a common feature for NFT projects
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"
assert self.paused, "the contract is not paused"
self.paused = False
log unPaused(msg.sender)

## ownership ##
def transferOwnership(newOwner: address):
@dev Transfer the ownership. Checks for contract pause status, current owner and prevent transferring to
@dev zero address
@dev emits an OwnershipTransferred event with the old and new owner addresses
@param newOwner The address of the new owner.
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"
assert newOwner != self.owner, "This account already owns the contract"
assert newOwner != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Transfer to ZERO_ADDRESS not allowed. Use renounceOwnership() instead."
oldOwner: address = self.owner
self.owner = newOwner
log OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner)

def renounceOwnership():
@dev Transfer the ownership to ZERO_ADDRESS, this will lock the contract
@dev emits an OwnershipTransferred event with the old and new ZERO_ADDRESS owner addresses
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"
oldOwner: address = self.owner
self.owner = ZERO_ADDRESS
log OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, ZERO_ADDRESS)

def balanceOfBatch(accounts: DynArray[address, BATCH_SIZE], ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE]) -> DynArray[uint256,BATCH_SIZE]: # uint256[BATCH_SIZE]:
@dev check the balance for an array of specific IDs and addresses
@dev will return an array of balances
@dev Can also be used to check ownership of an ID
@param accounts a dynamic array of the addresses to check the balance for
@param ids a dynamic array of the token IDs to check the balance
assert len(accounts) == len(ids), "ERC1155: accounts and ids length mismatch"
batchBalances: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE] = []
j: uint256 = 0
for i in ids:
j += 1
return batchBalances

## mint ##
def mint(receiver: address, id: uint256, amount:uint256, data:bytes32):
@dev mint one new token with a certain ID
@dev this can be a new token or "topping up" the balance of a non-fungible token ID
@param receiver the account that will receive the minted token
@param id the ID of the token
@param amount of tokens for this ID
@param data the data associated with this mint. Usually stays empty
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Only the contract owner can mint"
assert receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Can not mint to ZERO ADDRESS"
operator: address = msg.sender
self.balanceOf[receiver][id] += amount
log TransferSingle(operator, ZERO_ADDRESS, receiver, id, amount)

def mintBatch(receiver: address, ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE], amounts: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE], data: bytes32):
@dev mint a batch of new tokens with the passed IDs
@dev this can be new tokens or "topping up" the balance of existing non-fungible token IDs in the contract
@param receiver the account that will receive the minted token
@param ids array of ids for the tokens
@param amounts amounts of tokens for each ID in the ids array
@param data the data associated with this mint. Usually stays empty
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self.owner == msg.sender, "Only the contract owner can mint"
assert receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Can not mint to ZERO ADDRESS"
assert len(ids) == len(amounts), "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch"
operator: address = msg.sender

for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
if i >= len(ids):
self.balanceOf[receiver][ids[i]] += amounts[i]

log TransferBatch(operator, ZERO_ADDRESS, receiver, ids, amounts)

## burn ##
def burn(id: uint256, amount: uint256):
@dev burn one or more token with a certain ID
@dev the amount of tokens will be deducted from the holder's balance
@param receiver the account that will receive the minted token
@param id the ID of the token to burn
@param amount of tokens to burnfor this ID
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self.balanceOf[msg.sender][id] > 0 , "caller does not own this ID"
self.balanceOf[msg.sender][id] -= amount
log TransferSingle(msg.sender, msg.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, id, amount)

def burnBatch(ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE], amounts: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE]):
@dev burn a batch of tokens with the passed IDs
@dev this can be burning non fungible tokens or reducing the balance of existing non-fungible token IDs in the contract
@dev inside the loop ownership will be checked for each token. We can not burn tokens we do not own
@param ids array of ids for the tokens to burn
@param amounts array of amounts of tokens for each ID in the ids array
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert len(ids) == len(amounts), "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch"
operator: address = msg.sender

for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
if i >= len(ids):
self.balanceOf[msg.sender][ids[i]] -= amounts[i]

log TransferBatch(msg.sender, msg.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, ids, amounts)

## approval ##
def setApprovalForAll(owner: address, operator: address, approved: bool):
@dev set an operator for a certain NFT owner address
@param account the NFT owner address
@param operator the operator address
assert owner == msg.sender, "You can only set operators for your own account"
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert owner != operator, "ERC1155: setting approval status for self"
self.isApprovedForAll[owner][operator] = approved
log ApprovalForAll(owner, operator, approved)

def safeTransferFrom(sender: address, receiver: address, id: uint256, amount: uint256, bytes: bytes32):
@dev transfer token from one address to another.
@param sender the sending account (current owner)
@param receiver the receiving account
@param id the token id that will be sent
@param amount the amount of tokens for the specified id
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS, "ERC1155: transfer to the zero address"
assert sender != receiver
assert sender == msg.sender or self.isApprovedForAll[sender][msg.sender], "Caller is neither owner nor approved operator for this ID"
assert self.balanceOf[sender][id] > 0 , "caller does not own this ID or ZERO balance"
operator: address = msg.sender
self.balanceOf[sender][id] -= amount
self.balanceOf[receiver][id] += amount
log TransferSingle(operator, sender, receiver, id, amount)

def safeBatchTransferFrom(sender: address, receiver: address, ids: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE], amounts: DynArray[uint256, BATCH_SIZE], _bytes: bytes32):
@dev transfer tokens from one address to another.
@param sender the sending account
@param receiver the receiving account
@param ids a dynamic array of the token ids that will be sent
@param amounts a dynamic array of the amounts for the specified list of ids.
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS, "ERC1155: transfer to the zero address"
assert sender != receiver
assert sender == msg.sender or self.isApprovedForAll[sender][msg.sender], "Caller is neither owner nor approved operator for this ID"
assert len(ids) == len(amounts), "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch"
operator: address = msg.sender
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
if i >= len(ids):
id: uint256 = ids[i]
amount: uint256 = amounts[i]
self.balanceOf[sender][id] -= amount
self.balanceOf[receiver][id] += amount

log TransferBatch(operator, sender, receiver, ids, amounts)

# URI #
def setURI(uri: String[MAX_URI_LENGTH]):
@dev set the URI for the contract
@param uri the new uri for the contract
assert not self.paused, "The contract has been paused"
assert self._uri != uri, "new and current URI are identical"
assert msg.sender == self.owner, "Only the contract owner can update the URI"
self._uri = uri
log URI(uri, 0)

def uri(id: uint256) -> String[MAX_URI_LENGTH]:
@dev retrieve the uri, this function can optionally be extended to return dynamic uris. out of scope.
@param id NFT ID to retrieve the uri for.
return self._uri

def supportsInterface(interfaceId: bytes4) -> bool:
@dev Returns True if the interface is supported
@param interfaceID bytes4 interface identifier
return interfaceId in [

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