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SuggestR Setup

kpelozatsgrp edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

After a database has been successfully setup (refer to Derby DB Setup if that has not been completed) we can then setup SuggestR.

Setup a Separate SuggestR Tomcat

To run SuggestR, a separate Tomcat is needed. Download Tomcat 8+, then go to [TOMCAT_HOME]/conf and open server.xml. There should be three tags in there that refer to ports:

  • Server port="8005"
  • Connector port="8080"
  • Connector port="8009"

Change all of these ports to use something other than the Tomcat that is running OpenContent, OCMS, etc. Note the port that 8080 is changed to.

Downloading SuggestR from Git

After you are given the Git link by someone, login to Git. To download SuggestR:

  1. Click the Clone button near the top right. Copy the link that is in the text box Clone With HTTPS (the link ends in .git).
  2. Open up a CMD prompt in the location that the SuggestR code will go or put the full path in the command below.
  3. Run this command to clone the repository: git clone [GIT_LINK] [/PATH/BRANCH_NAME]

SuggestR Configuration

  1. Go to the [SUGGESTR_GIT_REPO_HOME]/src/main/resources folder. Open the application.yml file within this folder. The port: under server: should be the SuggestR Tomcat port from the section above.
  2. In the same file, ensure the datasource information is the same as the information when Derby DB started or the other DB that is setup.

Building SuggestR

  1. Create a file called build-[HOSTNAME].properties where HOSTNAME is the name of the computer it is being built on.
  2. In this file, set the tomcatHome= variable to the Tomcat SuggestR is on.
  3. On the same level as the computer build properties files, run the command gradle clean bootWar which will build and deploy the war to the Tomcat.
  4. Startup the Tomcat.

OpenContent Configuration

The only configuration property that needs to be set is suggestr.url.root=http://[HOST]:[PORT]/SuggestR. Where the port needs to be the one that 8080 was changed to when the separate SuggestR Tomcat was setup.

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