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Tyler Shaddix edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 6 revisions


This package is available on npm:

npm install --save webext-redux

Basic Usage

As described in the introduction, there are two pieces to a basic implementation of this package.

1. Add the Proxy Store to a UI Component, such as a popup

// popover.js

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import {Store} from 'webext-redux';

import App from './components/app/App';

const store = new Store();

// The store implements the same interface as Redux's store
// so you can use tools like `react-redux` no problem!
  <Provider store={store}>
  , document.getElementById('app'));

2. Wrap your Redux store in the background page with wrapStore()

// background.js

import {wrapStore} from 'webext-redux';

const store; // a normal Redux store


That's it! The dispatches called from UI component will find their way to the background page no problem. The new state from your background page will make sure to find its way back to the UI components.

The setup above handles basic actions and state updates. To handle more complex async actions and action responses, check out Advanced Usage.

If you want to dive into the details of this package, check out the API.