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Shuanglei Tao edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 12 revisions

ttyd has a mechanism to pass server side command-line arguments to the browser page which is called client options:

-t, --client-option     Send option to client (format: key=value), repeat to add more options

Basic usage

  • -t rendererType=webgl: use the experimental webgl renderer for xterm.js
  • -t disableLeaveAlert=true: disable the leave page alert (#294)
  • -t disableResizeOverlay=true: disable the terminal resize overlay (#446)
  • -t titleFixed=hello: set a fixed title for the browser window (#133)
  • -t fontSize=20: change the font size of the terminal

Advanced usage

You can use the client option to change all the settings of xterm defined in ITerminalOptions, examples:

  • -t cursorStyle=bar: set cursor style to bar
  • -t lineHeight=1.5: set line-height to 1.5
  • -t 'theme={"background": "green"}': set background color to green

to try the example options above, run:

ttyd -t cursorStyle=bar -t lineHeight=1.5 -t 'theme={"background": "green"}' bash
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