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thoroughly update TODO
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bryanlarsen committed Sep 14, 2012
1 parent c7a841c commit 2dfd45d
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 30 deletions.
67 changes: 37 additions & 30 deletions hobo/TODO-1.4.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@

## regressions
## 1.3

* remote-method-button, update-button: normal usages of these tags work, but they do
not work if you ask them to do AJAX
* live-search works, but it's not 'live'. You have to press return
to start the search
* the rapid_summary tags have been moved out
of core Hobo into their own plugin,, which is not yet in a working state
* release 1.3.1

## bugs


## documentation

Expand All @@ -21,39 +20,47 @@
* ajax manual section
* miscellaneous controller extensions
* there's some nice stuff in HoboFields::Model that should be documented & tested
* wire protocol for part ajax
* spinner, show/hide javascript
* give an example on how tweak hobo_bootstrap

## Cookbook

* search
* live-search taglibs
* actually use Hobo 1.4's new caching abilities
* auto-link tags in manual
* create fakedef manual entries for DRYML tags not in taglibs entry
* switch themes
* fold in the rest of hobocentral
* decide what to do about tag comments: nuke for caching reasons or reenable?

## external plugins to update

## new features that aren't "done"
* hobo-contrib
* hobo_devise
* paperclip_with_hobo
* imaginary-dryml
* nice
* hoboyui?

* clean_sidemenu -> plugin
* cache: csrf warning
* monkey patch will_paginate if my patches are not upstreamed
## Testing

It's quite likely that some of the new tag definitions are missing
useful id, class, merge or param attributes. This doesn't impact core
functionality, but it does limit your ability to extend the tags. If
you notice any such omissions, please let us know, it is easy to fix..
* clean up and push the integration tests
* travis-ci
* create RAPID test suite

## stuff that we really want to do
## 2.1 or break code freeze

* will_paginate: monkey patch or add bryanlarsen/will_paginate to gemfile in generators
* add quiet_assets gem to generator
* create hobo-all meta gem so we don't spam Gemfile
* (Matt) turf accessible associations
* (Ignacio) dev mode speed improvements
* rip out obsolete date stuff from convert_for_mass_assignment:
* make sure all our tags look good in hobo_bootstrap, and then make it the default theme
* wrap bootstrap's dialog & a datepicker, deal with our dependence on jQuery-UI's show & hide, and then make jQuery-UI optional
* multiple file support for AJAX uploads
* cache: redis support
* fixup deprecation warnings
* trawl the lighthouse && pull requests
* steal the tags from Portal
* fixup hobo-contrib
* convert paperclip_with_hobo to gem

## would be nice:

* parametrize the clean theme
* create a bootstrap theme
* add theme chooser to setup wizard
* parametrize the clean theme colors using SCSS rather than creating a separate hobo_clean_admin theme
* add support for has-one
* convert old Hobo plugins: imaginary-dryml, hoboyui, nice theme

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