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SVG Map Drawer JS

This is an example of SVG Map Drawer jQuery plugin living in /assets/scripts/svg-map-drawer.js which is leveraging the SVG JS library. SVG Map Drawer JS can be used to draw and view an svg indoor map of a restaurant or an event's table setting.


Note: All of these dependencies are in assets/scripts directory.

Table of Contents




1 ) Load dependencies in the following order via your document header

<!-- SVG Map Drawer Depencies -->
<script src="assets/scripts/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/scripts/svg.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/scripts/svg.draggable.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/scripts/svg-map-drawer.js"></script>
<!-- Your js file -->
<script src="assets/scripts/scripts.js"></script>

2 ) Create a wrapper for the map, in this example I used the following:

<div id="map-view-container"></div>

Note: Don't forget to set this container's position to relative if not positioned absolute in css. In my example, I use the following:

.map-view-container {

3 ) Store your table drawing data in the following data structure via your own javascript file and initialize the map. Can be seen in /assets/scripts/scripts.js

$map_elements = {
	"background": {
		x: 0, 
		y: 0,
	"tables": [
			x: 1130, 
			y: 300, 
			radius: 25, 




The "background" key of the $map_elements data structure contains and sets the diminsion of the full map.

Key Type Description
id Int ID of the post
type String Should always be set to rectangle! Defines the shape of the background
x Int X coordinate of the drawn shape, always zero for background
y Int Y coordinate of the drawn shape, always zero for background
width Int Required to set diminsion of the map
height Int Required to set diminsion of the map
fill Hex Sets the color of the background


The "tables" key is an array of objects that contain shape data by 3 different types: "circle", "rectangle", and "polygon"

Circle Table Type

Key Type Description
id Int ID of the post
type String Defines the shape being drawn, in this case "circle"
x Int X coordinate of the drawn shape
y Int Y coordinate of the drawn shape
radius Int Controls the size of the circle
fill Hex Sets the color of the background

Rectangle Table Type

Key Type Description
id Int ID of the post
type String Defines the shape being drawn, in this case "rectangle"
x Int X coordinate of the drawn shape
y Int Y coordinate of the drawn shape
width Int Controls the width of the square or rectangle
height Int Controls the height of the square or rectangle
fill Hex Sets the color of the shape.

Polygon Table Type

Key Type Description
id Int ID of the post
type String Defines the shape being drawn, in this case "polygon"
x Int X coordinate of the drawn shape
y Int Y coordinate of the drawn shape
path Int draws the shape with polygon path data.
fill Hex Sets the color of the shape.

Note: when getting path data, the shape needs to be exported with no whitespace around the graphic in illustrator.