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ClouderaFlinkSQLForPartners / CSA 1.2


Max, Average, Min Temperature per Location

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, avg(temp_f) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f from weather group by location;

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, avg(temp_f) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f from group by location;

Max/Min/Avg/Count per NJ

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, avg(temp_f) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f, COUNT(temp_f) as numOfRecords from weather WHERE location is not null and location <> 'null' and trim(location) <> '' and location like '%NJ' group by location;

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, avg(temp_f) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f, COUNT(temp_f) as numOfRecords from WHERE location is not null and location <> 'null' and trim(location) <> '' and location like '%NJ' group by location;

Max/Min/Avg/Count NJ and NY

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, floor(avg(temp_f)) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f, COUNT(temp_f) as numOfRecords from weather WHERE location is not null and location <> 'null' and trim(location) <> '' and (location like '%NJ' or location like '%NY') group by location having avg(temp_f) < 50;

select CAST(location as STRING) location, max(temp_f) as max_temp_f, floor(avg(temp_f)) as avg_temp_f, min(temp_f) as min_temp_f, COUNT(temp_f) as numOfRecords from WHERE location is not null and location <> 'null' and trim(location) <> '' and (location like '%NJ' or location like '%NY') group by location having avg(temp_f) < 50;

Against Kudu

select * from kudu.default_database.impala::default.stocks;

Stock Events

CREATE TABLE stockEvents ( symbol STRING, uuid STRING, ts BIGINT, dt BIGINT, datetime STRING, open STRING, close STRING, high STRING, volume STRING, low STRING, event_time AS CAST(from_unixtime(floor(ts/1000)) AS TIMESTAMP(3)), WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector.type' = 'kafka', 'connector.version' = 'universal', 'connector.topic' = 'stocks', 'connector.startup-mode' = 'earliest-offset', '' = 'edge2ai-1.dim.local:9092', 'format.type' = 'registry', '' = '' );

Stock Tumbling Window

select symbol, TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleStart, TUMBLE_END(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleEnd, AVG(CAST(high as DOUBLE)) as avgHigh FROM stockEvents WHERE symbol is not null GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), symbol;

across catalogs

select * from registry.default_database.scada;

top 3

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY window_start ORDER BY num_stocks desc ) AS rownum FROM ( SELECT TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) AS window_start, symbol, COUNT(*) AS num_stocks FROM stockEvents GROUP BY symbol, TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) ) ) WHERE rownum <=3;


In progress

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY window_start ORDER BY num_transactions desc ) AS rownum FROM ( SELECT TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) AS window_start, itemId, COUNT(*) AS num_transactions FROM ItemTransactions GROUP BY itemId, TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) ) ) WHERE rownum <=3;

select fromTimestamp(datetime) from stocks

select symbol, CURRENT_TIME, high, TIMESTAMP datetime as ts from stocks;

select symbol, TUMBLE_START(CURRENT_TIME, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleStart, TUMBLE_END(CURRENT_TIME, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleEnd, AVG(CAST(high as DOUBLE)) as avgHigh FROM stocks WHERE symbol is not null GROUP BY TUMBLE(CURRENT_TIME, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), symbol;

CREATE TABLE pos ( tstx BIGINT, idtx BIGINT, idstore INT, idproduct INT, quantity INT, timetx AS CAST(from_unixtime(floor(tstx/1000)) AS TIMESTAMP(3)), WATERMARK FOR timetx AS timetx - INTERVAL '10' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector.type' = 'kafka', 'connector.version' = 'universal', 'connector.topic' = 'pos', 'connector.startup-mode' = 'latest-offset', '' = 'kafka-url:9092', '' = 'FlinkSQLPOS', 'format.type' = 'json' );

CREATE TABLE ItemTransactions ( transactionId BIGINT, timestamp BIGINT, itemId STRING, quantity INT, event_time AS CAST(from_unixtime(floor(timestamp/1000)) AS TIMESTAMP(3)), WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector.type' = 'kafka', 'connector.version' = 'universal', 'connector.topic' = 'transaction.log.1', 'connector.startup-mode' = 'earliest-offset', '' = '<broker_address>', 'format.type' = 'json' );

SELECT queryId, q.event_time as query_time, t.itemId, sum(t.quantity) AS recent_transactions FROM ItemTransactions AS t, Queries AS q WHERE t.itemId = q.itemId AND t.event_time BETWEEN q.event_time - INTERVAL '1' MINUTE AND q.event_time GROUP BY t.itemId, q.event_time, q.queryId;

SELECT HOUR(TUMBLE_START(ts, INTERVAL '1' HOUR)) as hour_of_day, COUNT(*) as buy_cnt FROM user_behavior WHERE behavior = 'buy' GROUP BY TUMBLE(ts, INTERVAL '1' HOUR)

SELECT * FROM registry.default_database.scada as s JOIN kudu.default_database.impala::default.envirosensors FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF s.systemtime AS e ON s.uuid = e.uuid

SELECT s.uuid, s.systemtime, s.temperaturef, e.uuid, e.adjtempf FROM registry.default_database.scada s NATURAL JOIN kudu.default_database.impala::default.envirosensors e

SELECT s.uuid, s.systemtime, s.temperaturef, e.uuid, e.adjtempf FROM registry.default_database.scada s NATURAL JOIN kudu.default_database.impala::default.envirosensors e where s.uuid = e.uuid

SELECT scada.uuid, scada.systemtime, scada.temperaturef, scada.pressure, scada.humidity,scada.lux,scada.proximity, scada.oxidising, scada.reducing, scada.nh3,scada.gasko,scada.amplitude100, scada.amplitude500, scada.amplitude1000, scada.lownoise, scada.midnoise, scada.highnoise, scada.amps, scada.cpu, scada.memory, scada.ipaddress,, scada.host_name, scada.macaddress, scada.endtime, scada.runtime, scada.starttime, scada.cpu_temp, scada.diskusage,, scada.temperature,scada.adjtemp, scada.adjtempf, energy.current, energy.voltage ,energy.power,,energy.fanstatus, energy.swver, energy.hwver, energy.deviceId, energy.hwId, energy.fwId, energy.oemId, energy.alias, energy.devname, energy.iconhash, energy.feature, energy.activemode, energy.relaystate, energy.updating, energy.rssi, energy.ledoff, energy.latitude, energy.longitude, energy.ontime,, energy.index, energy.zonestr, energy.tzstr, energy.dstoffset,, energy.currentconsumption, energy.devicetime, energy.ledon, energy.end, energy.te, energy.cpu FROM energy FULL JOIN scada ON energy.systemtime = scada.systemtime

create view stockEventsTumbling as select symbol, TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleStart, TUMBLE_END(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleEnd, AVG(CAST(high as DOUBLE)) as avgHigh FROM stockEvents WHERE symbol is not null GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), symbol;



ClouderaFlinkSQLForPartners / CSA 1.2







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