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Releases: ThemeAwesome/WP-Forge


12 Apr 14:51
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6.5.3 - 2019-03-09

  • Updated theme to latest version of Foundation, 6.5.3
  • Updated to reflect a proper changelog going forward.
  • Added support for Freemius - This will allow me to gather information on how the theme is being used as well as allow users to give me feedback on how to improve WP-Forge. However, adding this to the theme significantly increases the file size of the theme.
  • Added a function to functions.php to remove the jQuery-Migrate. This is simply not needed so there is no reason to load it.
  • Added option to hide or display Next and Previous post links to the customizer. This was added in the Post Configuration section. Thanks to Tom Gamble for the idea to make this happen.
  • Removed the option to select Float Grid, Flex Grid or XY Grid. The only css supported by WP-Forgeis the XY Grid.
  • Removed what-input.js - this is no longer part of Foundation for Sites.
  • Removed the TotalPress screenshot.png from the theme. This image is being served from Imgur now.
  • Removed the Changelog tab in the WP-Forge Theme section of the theme. The changelog is maintained on Github so no need to have a list in the theme.
  • Removed the content position from the preview as the css necessary to make it work could not be added in the .js file.
  • Fixed issue with Main Content Positon - When a user selects Right the main content area is supposed to move to the right and the sidebar should display on the left side. This used an older version of Foundation and the css has been updated and works properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Footer Text area. The message that was being typed was not displaying as the user was writing it. This has been corrected.
  • Fixed issue with Footer Font Size - the values being entered were not being updated immediately in the screen on the right of the customizer.
  • Fixed css for the menu widget. The links were displaying all over the place.
  • Fixed the padding from the grid-container in the search form. This was causing the search form in the sidebar to look squished.
  • Changed all the footer[role="contentinfo"] to .footer_wrap grid-container as its more specific.
  • Changed the pre tags - made the background and font darker.
  • Corrected an issue with the Footer Colors - some of the controls were not working properly.
  • Changed the deafault size of the header image from 175 to 200 in custom-header.php.
  • Changed the padding in the header.
  • Changed the line-height of links in the top-bar menu. This makes the menu look bigger instead of being so thin.
  • Changed the font size of links in the Top Bar to 16px from 0.825rem.

08 Oct 16:35
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= =

Theme updated 10/08/2018

10 Sep 15:48
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  • Corrected an issue where the Off Canvas menu was not displaying for mobile view. This was due to some css I added, however I have removed the css and now the Off Canvas menu displays as it should in mobile view.

27 May 13:10
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= =

Theme updated 05/27/18

  • Added $consent parameter to comments.php - this is to avoid a php Notice that appears when the user has WP_DEBUG set to true.
  • Changed to

26 May 15:08
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  • Added GDPR compliance to the comment form.
  • Removed all code from the theme that was not needed. Now the only files that show being changed are the one that have been changed.


19 Aug 16:52
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= 6.4.3 =

Theme updated 08/19/17

  • Updated theme to latest version of Foundation, 6.4.3 - Nothing to really worry about. Mostly updates for scss. Just keeping up with the versioning. Here is a list of what Zurb changed in this version
  • Corrected the css for related products that were on sale. The sale banner was appearing off center.
  • Also corrected the date of the last update in the changelog.txt file.


16 Aug 20:45
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= 6.4.2 =

Theme updated 07/19/17

  • Updated theme to Foundation 6.4.2 - Here is a list of what Zurb changed in this version
  • Removed the wpforge_footer_sidebar_class function from functions.php - before, this function was used to calculate the number of widgets added in the footer sidebar area, and then it would apply the necessary classes to make sure the widget areas appeared properly. With the 6.4 update, this is done automatically so the function is not needed any longer.
  • Rewrote the wpforge_widgets_init function in functions.php - its smaller now, means less bloat.
  • Switched some of the html where rows and columns were still being used.
  • Adjusted the comments area.
  • Adjusted the margin-bottom of pagination.
  • Added support for WooCommerce. This should correct any layout issues when using the plugin, as well as prevent the end user from having to add it themselves.
  • Adjusted the .is-active > a color in css as well as the customizer.
  • Reworked the header image portion of header.php - if an image is displayed then display the div along with the image. If no image is displayed, do not show the empty div.
  • Changed the priority of all the WP-Forge css scripts and files.

13 Jul 01:36
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Theme updated 07/12/17

  • Corrected issue with footer sidebar area. Switched to large auto cells for each sidebar area. This moves towards the new XY grid from foundation. The calculation in functions.php is no longer needed to calculate and add the apropriate sizes to the individual sidebars.
  • Added a image size for the custom logo. Logo is set to 1170px wide which is the full length of the theme and the image has auto height. If your image is smaller than the logo area it will shrink accordingly.
  • Added back the custom header feature that the custom logo was supposed to replace, so now users can use either the custom logo or custom header feature, as well as random header images.


06 Jul 22:11
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= 6.4.1 =

Theme updated 07/06/17

  • Updated to the latest version of Foundation for Sites v6.4.1 - not really need but I like to stay on top of things.
  • Corrected the no-js in styles.css. There is an issue where the menu was loading after the js was loaded and this caused the menu to kind of flash or delay when it finally loaded. This was bugging me that it was happening. Seems to have gotten corrected. See this issue foundation/foundation-sites#10339
  • Removed the file as it is not needed.


30 Jun 20:36
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Theme updated 06/30/17

  • Updated to the latest version of Foundation for Sites v6.4.
  • Switched the "felx-video" to "Responsive Embed" - This makes sure embedded content, like videos, maintain their aspect ratio as the width of the screen changes.
  • Removed the margin from responsive embed (flex video), this was causing the bottom portion of embedded videos to be cut off.
  • Added selective refresh to the site-title and site-description.
  • Added the ability to show or hide the site title and the site description individually.
  • Site-title and site-description are now wrapped in a p tag when not on the front page.
  • Post titles are wrapped in a H2 tag, except when viewing the actual post, then the post title is wrapped in a H1 tag
  • Switched from custom header to custom logo introduced in 4.5
  • Added the new Accordion Menu to Off-Canvas and Top-Bar
  • Added Schema markup to posts and pages.
  • Moved Skip to Content link out of content-navigation.php to right after the opening body tag.
  • Corrected some issues with the customizer css. When some options were changed, those options were not reflecting in the in-line css or preview.
  • Added Russian translation files - Thanks to Spartak Klain,, for taking the time to do this.