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Releases: tstack/lnav

Beta1 release for v0.11.0

11 Aug 20:55
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See the NEWS file for more details.

lnav v0.10.1

28 Oct 04:56
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  • Added ":show-only-this-file" command that hides all files except the
    one for the top line in the view.
  • The ":write-raw-to" command now accepts a --view flag that specifies
    the source view for the data to write. For example, to write the
    results of a SQL query, you would pass "--view=db" to the command.
  • The commands used to access the clipboard are now configured through
    the "tuning" section of the configuration.
  • Added an "lnav_version()" SQL function that returns the current
    version string.
  • Added basic support for the logfmt file format. Currently, only files
    whose lines are entirely logfmt-encoded are supported. The lines
    must also contain either a field named "time" or "ts" that contains
    the timestamp.
  • Added the "logfmt2json()" SQL function to convert a string containing
    a logfmt-encoded message into a JSON object that can be operated on
    more easily.
  • Added the "gzip()" and "gunzip()" SQL functions to compress values
    into a blob and decompress a blob into a string.
    Interface changes:
  • The xclip implementation for accessing the system clipboard now writes
    to the "clipboard" selection instead of the "primary" selection.
  • The 'query' bookmark type and y/Y hotkeys have been removed due to
    performance issues and the functionality is probably rarely used.

Bug Fixes:

  • The text "send-input" would show up on some terminals instead of
    ignoring the escape sequence. This control sequence was only
    intended to be used in the test suite.
  • Remote file synchronization has been optimized a bit.
  • Configuration values loaded from the ~/.lnav/configs directory
    are now included in the default configuration, so they won't be
    saved into the ~/.lnav/config.json user configuration file.
  • Key handling in the visual filter editor will no longer swallow
    certain key-presses when editing a filter.
  • Scrolling performance restored in the SQL view.
  • The ':redirect-to' command now works with '/dev/clipboard'
  • The field overlay (opened by pressing 'p') now shows 'log_time'
    for the timestamp field instead of the name defined in the format.
  • The search term in the bottom status bar will now update properly
    when switching views.
  • The "Out-Of-Time-Order Message" overlay will be shown again.
  • The tab for the "Files" panel will be highlighted in red if there
    is an issue opening a file.
  • Overwritten files should be reloaded again.
  • The "jget()" SQL function now returns numbers with the correct type.
  • The "json_contains()" SQL function now returns false if the first
    argument is NULL instead of NULL.
  • The local copies of remote files are now cleaned up after a couple
    days of the host not being accessed.
  • The initial loading and indexing phase has been optimized.

lnav v0.10.1-beta1

03 Oct 21:16
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lnav v0.10.1-beta1 Pre-release

Beta release for v0.10.1 that fixes a few regressions and other issues in the v0.10.0 release.

lnav v0.10.0

06 Aug 04:34
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  • Files on remote machines can be viewed/tailed if they are accessible
    via SSH. The syntax for specifying the host and path is similar to
    scp. For example, to view the files in the /var/log directory on the
    machine "":
    Note that you must be able to log into the machine without any
  • Added the ':filter-expr' command to filter log messages based on an SQL
    expression. This command allows much greater control over filtering.
  • Added the ':mark-expr' command to mark log messages based on an SQL
    expression. This command makes it easier to programmatically mark
    log messages compared to using SQL.
  • Added support for archive files, like zip, and other compression formats,
    like xz, when compiled with libarchive. When one of these types of
    files is detected, they are unpacked into a temporary directory and
    all of the files are loaded into lnav.
  • Added an 'xpath()' table-valued function for extracting values from
    strings containing XML snippets.
  • Added the ':prompt' command to allow for more customization of prompts.
    Combined with a custom keymapping, you can now open a prompt and prefill
    it with a given value. For example, a key could be bound to the
    following command to open the command prompt with ":filter-in " already
    filled in:
    :prompt command : 'filter-in '
  • Added support for the W3C Extended Log File Format with the name
    "w3c_log". Similarly to the bro log format, the header is used to
    determine the columns in a particular file. However, since the columns
    can be different between files, the SQL table only has a well-known set
    of columns and the remainder are accessible through JSON-objects stored
    in columns like "cs_headers" and "sc_headers".
  • Added support for the S3 Access File Format.
  • To jump to the first search hit above the top line in a view, you can
    press CTRL+J instead of ENTER in the search prompt. Pressing ENTER
    will jump to the first hit below the current window.
  • Filtering, as a whole, can be now disabled/enabled without affecting
    the state of individual filters. This includes text and time-filters
    (i.e. :hide-lines-before). You can enable/disable filtering by:
    pressing 'f' in the filter editor UI; executing the ':toggle-filtering'
    command; or by doing an UPDATE on the "filtering" column of the
    "lnav_views" SQLite table.
  • Themes can now include definitions for text highlights under:
  • Added a "grayscale" theme that isn't so colorful.
  • Added the humanize_file_size() SQL function that converts a numeric size
    to a human-friendly string.
  • Added the sparkline() SQL function that returns a "sparkline" bar made
    out of unicode characters. It can be used with a single value or as
    an aggregator.
  • Added a "log_time_msecs" hidden column to the log tables that returns
    the timestamp as the number of milliseconds from the epoch.
  • Added an "lnav_top_file()" SQL function that can be used to get the
    name of the top line in the top view or NULL if the line did not come
    from a file.
  • Added a "mimetype" column to the lnav_file table that returns a guess as
    to the MIME type of the file contents.
  • Added a "content" hidden column to the lnav_file table that can be used
    to read the contents of the file. The contents can then be passed to
    functions that operate on XML/JSON data, like xpath() or json_tree().
  • Added an "lnav_top_view" SQL VIEW that returns the row for the top view
    in the lnav_views table.
  • The "generate_series()" SQLite extension is now included by default.
    One change from the standard implementation is that both the start and
    stop are required parameters.
  • Added the ";.read" SQL command for executing a plain SQL file.
  • Added the "-N" flag so that lnav will run without opening the default
    syslog file.

Interface Changes:

  • When copying log lines, the file name and time offset will be included
    in the copy if they are enabled.
  • Log messages that cannot be parsed properly will be given an "invalid"
    log level and the invalid portions colored yellow.
  • The range_start and range_stop values of the regexp_capture() results
    now start at 1 instead of zero to match with what the other SQL string
    functions expect.
  • The ":write-cols-to" command has been renamed to ":write-table-to".
  • The DB view will limit the maximum column width to 120 characters.
  • The ":echo" command now evaluates its message to do variable
  • The ":write-raw-to" command has been changed to write the original
    log file content of marked lines. For example, when viewing a JSON
    log, the JSON-Line values from the log file will be written to the
    output file. The ":write-view-to" command has been added to perform
    the previous work of ":write-raw-to" where the raw content of the view
    is written to the file.


  • Unicode text can now be entered in prompts.
  • The replicate() SQL function would cause a crash if the number of
    replications was zero.
  • Many internal improvements.

lnav v0.10.0 Beta1

19 Jun 20:04
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lnav v0.10.0 Beta1 Pre-release

A beta release of lnav that leads up to the final v0.10.0 release.

The "musl" build is a statically linked 64-bit linux binary.

lnav v0.9.0

25 Sep 04:58
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  • Added support for themes and included a few as well: default, eldar,
    monocai, night-owl, solarized-light, and solarized-dark. The theme
    can be changed using the ':config' command, like so:
    :config /ui/theme night-owl
    Consult the online documentation for defining a new theme at:
  • Added support for custom keymaps and included the following: de, fr,
    uk, us. The keymap can be changed using the ':config' command, like so:
    :config /ui/keymap uk
    Consult the online documentation for defining a new keymap at:
  • The following JSON-Schemas have been published for the log format and
    configuration JSON files:
    Formats should be updated to reference the schema using the "$schema"
  • Indexing of new data in log files can now be paused by pressing '='
    and unpaused by pressing it again. The bottom status bar will display
    'Paused' in the right corner while paused.
  • CMake is now a supported way to build.
  • When viewing data from the standard-input, a symbolic name can be used
    to preserve session state. The name can be changed using the
    "rename-stdin" lnav script or by doing an UPDATE to the filepath
    column of the lnav_file table. For example, to assign the name
    "journald", the following SQL statement can be executed in lnav:
    ;UPDATE lnav_file SET filepath='journald' WHERE filepath='stdin'
  • The size of the terminal can be accessed in SQL using the $LINES and
    $COLS variables.
  • The raise_error(msg) SQL function has been added to make it easier to
    raise an error in an lnav script to stop execution and notify the user.
  • Added the json_concat() function to make it easier to append/concatenate
    values onto arrays.
  • Added the ":write-jsonlines-to" command that writes the result of a SQL
    query to a file in the JSON Lines format.

Interface Changes

  • Data piped into lnav is no longer dumped to the console after exit.
    Instead a file containing the data is left in .lnav/stdin-captures/
    and a message is printed to the console indicating the file name.
  • In time-offset mode, the deltas for messages before the first mark
    are now negative instead of relative to the start of the log.
  • The $XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable (or ~/.config directory) are
    now respected for storing lnav's configuration. If you have an existing
    ~/.lnav directory, that will continue to be used until you move it to
    $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lnav or ~/.config/lnav.
  • Removed the ':save-config' command. Changes to the configuration are now
    immediately saved.


  • Added 'notice' log level.
  • If a "timestamp-format" is used in an element of a "line-format", the
    field name is ignored and a formatted timestamp is always used.
  • Ignore stdin when it is connected to /dev/null.

Release Artifacts


16 Sep 16:52
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Release candidate 1 for v0.9.0

See the file for more information.

lnav v0.8.5

07 Apr 17:28
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  • Added a visual filter editor to make it easier to update existing
    filters. The editor can be opened by pressing TAB. Once the editor
    is opened, you can create/delete, enable/disable, and edit the patterns
    with hotkeys.
  • Added an 'lnav_view_filters' SQL table that can be used to
    programmatically manipulate filters.
  • Added an 'lnav_view_filter_stats' SQL table that contains the number of
    times a given filter matched a line in the view.
  • Added a 'log_filters' column to log tables that can be used to see what
    filters matched the log message.
  • A history of locations in a view is now kept so that you can jump back
    to where you were previously using the '{' and '}' keys. The location
    history can also be accessed through the ":prev-location" and
    ":next-location" commands.
  • The ":write-*" commands will now accept "/dev/clipboard" as a file name
    that writes to the system clipboard.
  • The ":write-to" and ":write-raw-to" commands will now print out comments
    and tags attached to the lines.
  • Added a ":redirect-to " command to redirect command output to the
    given file. This command is mostly useful in scripts where one might
    want to redirect all output from commands like ":echo" and ":write-to -"
    to a single file.
  • If a log file format has multiple patterns for matching log messages,
    each pattern is now tried to match a message in a file. Previously,
    only one pattern was ever used for an entire file.
  • Added haproxy log format from Peter Hoffmann.
  • Added 'spooky_hash()' and 'group_spooky_hash()' SQL functions to
    generate a hash of their parameters.
  • Added 'time_offset' to the 'lnav_file' table so that the timestamps in
    a file can be adjusted programmatically.

Interface Changes:

  • The auto-complete behavior in the prompt has been modified to fall back
    to a fuzzy search if the prefix search finds no matches. For example,
    typing in ":fin" and pressing TAB would previously not do anything.
    Now, the ":fin" will be completed to ":filter-in " since that is a
    strong fuzzy match. If there are multiple matches, as would happen
    with ":dfil", readline's menu-complete behavior will be engaged and
    you can press TAB cycle through the options.
  • Added CTRL+F to toggle the enabled/disabled state of all filters for the
    current view.
  • The '-r' flag is now for recursively loading files. The functionality
    for loading rotated files is now under the '-R' flag.
  • The current search term is now shown in the bottom status bar.
  • Some initial help text is now shown for the search and SQL prompts to
    refresh the memory.
  • When entering the ":comment" command for a line with a comment, the
    command prompt will be filled in with the existing comment to make
    editing easier.
  • Hidden fields now show up as a unicode vertical ellipsis (⋮) instead of
    three-dot ellipsis to save space.
  • Pressing 7/8 will now move to the previous/next minute.
  • The ":write-raw-to" command has been changed to write the entire
    contents of the current view and a ":write-screen-to" command has been
    added to write only the current screen contents.
  • Disabled filters are now saved in sessions.
  • The ":adjust-log-time" command now accepts relative times as input.


  • The ":write-json-to" command will now pass through JSON cells as their
    JSON values instead of a JSON-encoded string.

v0.8.5 Release Candidate 1

16 Mar 05:18
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  • Added a visual filter editor to make it easier to update existing
    filters. The editor can be opened by pressing TAB. Once the editor
    is opened, you can create/delete, enable/disable, and edit the patterns
    with hotkeys.
  • Added an 'lnav_view_filters' SQL table that can be used to
    programmatically manipulate filters.
  • Added an 'lnav_view_filter_stats' SQL table that contains the number of
    times a given filter matched a line in the view.
  • Added a 'log_filters' column to log tables that can be used to see what
    filters matched the log message.
  • A history of locations in a view is now kept so that you can jump back
    to where you were previously using the '{' and '}' keys. The location
    history can also be accessed through the ":prev-location" and
    ":next-location" commands.
  • The ":write-*" commands will now accept "/dev/clipboard" as a file name
    that writes to the system clipboard.
  • The ":write-to" and ":write-raw-to" commands will now print out comments
    and tags attached to the lines.
  • Added a ":redirect-to " command to redirect command output to the
    given file. This command is mostly useful in scripts where one might
    want to redirect all output from commands like ":echo" and ":write-to -"
    to a single file.
  • If a log file format has multiple patterns for matching log messages,
    each pattern is now tried to match a message in a file. Previously,
    only one pattern was ever used for an entire file.
  • Added haproxy log format from Peter Hoffmann.
  • Added 'spooky_hash()' and 'group_spooky_hash()' SQL functions to
    generate a hash of their parameters.
  • Added 'time_offset' to the 'lnav_file' table so that the timestamps in
    a file can be adjusted programmatically.

Interface Changes:

  • The auto-complete behavior in the prompt has been modified to fall back
    to a fuzzy search if the prefix search finds no matches. For example,
    typing in ":fin" and pressing TAB would previously not do anything.
    Now, the ":fin" will be completed to ":filter-in " since that is a
    strong fuzzy match. If there are multiple matches, as would happen
    with ":dfil", readline's menu-complete behavior will be engaged and
    you can press TAB cycle through the options.
  • Added CTRL+F to toggle the enabled/disabled state of all filters for the
    current view.
  • The '-r' flag is now for recursively loading files. The functionality
    for loading rotated files is now under the '-R' flag.
  • The current search term is now shown in the bottom status bar.
  • Some initial help text is now shown for the search and SQL prompts to
    refresh the memory.
  • When entering the ":comment" command for a line with a comment, the
    command prompt will be filled in with the existing comment to make
    editing easier.
  • Hidden fields now show up as a unicode vertical ellipsis (⋮) instead of
    three-dot ellipsis to save space.
  • Pressing 7/8 will now move to the previous/next minute.
  • The ":write-raw-to" command has been changed to write the entire
    contents of the current view and a ":write-screen-to" command has been
    added to write only the current screen contents.
  • Disabled filters are now saved in sessions.
  • The ":adjust-log-time" command now accepts relative times as input.


  • The ":write-json-to" command will now pass through JSON cells as their
    JSON values instead of a JSON-encoded string.

lnav v0.8.4

27 Aug 14:31
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  • Added the ':comment' command that can be used to attach a comment to a
    log line. The comment will be displayed below the line, like so:
    2017-01-01T15:30:00 error: computer is on fire
    + This is where it all went wrong
    The ':clear-comment' command will remove the attached comment. Comments
    are searchable with the standard search mechanism and they are available
    in SQL through the "log_comment" column.
  • Added the ':tag', ':untag', and ':delete-tags' commands that can be used
    to attach/detach tags on the top log line and delete all instances of
    a tag. Tags are also searchable and are available in SQL as a JSON
    array in the "log_tags" column.
  • Pressing left-arrow while viewing log messages will reveal the source
    file name for each line and the unique parts of the source path.
    Pressing again will reveal the full path.
  • The file name section of the top status line will show only the unique
    parts of the log file path if there is not enough room to show the full
  • Added the ":hide-unmarked-lines" and ":show-unmarked-lines" commands
    that hide/show lines based on whether they are bookmarked.
  • Added the "json_contains()" SQL function to check if a JSON value
    contains a number of a string.
  • The relative time parser recognizes "next" at the beginning of the
    input, for example, "next hour" or "next day". Handy for use in the
    ":goto" command.
  • Added a "text-transform" option for formatting JSON log messages. The
    supported options are: none, uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize.
  • Added a special "level" field name for formatting JSON messages so
    that the lnav level name can be used instead of the internal value in
    the JSON object.
  • Added a log format for journald JSON logs.

Interface Changes:

  • When typing in a search, instead of moving the view to the first match
    that was found, the first ten matches will be displayed in the preview
  • The pretty-print view maintains highlighting from the log view.
  • The pretty-print view no longer tries to reverse lookup IP addresses.
  • The online help for commands and SQL functions now includes a 'See Also'
    section that lists related commands/functions.


  • The HOME key should now work in the command-prompt and move the cursor
    to the beginning of the line.
  • The :delete-filter command should now tab-complete existing filters.
  • Milliseconds can now be used in relative times (e.g. 10:00:00.123)
  • The J/K hotkeys were not marking lines correctly when the bottom of
    the view was reached.
  • The level field in JSON logs should now be recognized by the level
    patterns in the format.