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Creating the Azure Palworld VM

Tobias Svenblad edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 2 revisions


Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing service, offers cost-effectiveness and a range of customizable settings. Here's why we choose Azure for our Palworld server, focusing on its benefits for gaming servers.


Before beginning, ensure you have:

  • Basic knowledge of cloud computing and virtual machines.
  • An active Azure account. Don't have one? Sign up here. Already have an account? Log in to Azure Portal.
  • Familiarity with SSH and Linux command line.

Steps to Create Your VM

  1. Access VM Section: Navigate to "Virtual machines" in the Azure Portal.
  2. Create VM: Click "Create Azure virtual machine."

Detailed Settings:

  • Region: Choose the closest region to you for optimal performance.
  • Availability: Consider redundancy settings based on your server needs.
  • Image: We will select Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS - x64 Gen2 for this guide, but any Linux distribution should be fine.
  • Azure Spot discount: Weigh the cost savings against the risk of capacity eviction.
  • Size: Standard E4bds v5 is a good balance for large groups.
  • Authentication: Use the SSH public key option for secure access.


Choosing the right VM size is crucial for balancing performance and cost. Standard E4bds v5 is a good start, but you may need to adjust based on your server load.


  • OS Disk Size: 30/32 GiB is usually sufficient.
  • OS Disk Type: Choose HDD for cost-efficiency or SSD for performance.


  • Auto-shutdown: Set up daily shutdowns to save costs.
  • Backup: Regular backups are crucial for data safety.


Neglecting regular backups can result in irreversible data loss. Ensure you make an informative decision before you disable it.

Next Steps

Your VM is now ready! Proceed to install the Palworld Dedicated Server.

FAQ Section

Q: Can I use a Windows server instead of a Linux distro?

A: Yes, but Linux is recommended for efficiency.

User Feedback

Do you have thoughts or questions? Please share your feedback and suggestions in the issues section.