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docs: added layers, vertex, edge, cosmetics
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tsypuk committed Aug 14, 2023
1 parent 43a403d commit 68e1cde
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Showing 21 changed files with 379 additions and 478 deletions.
320 changes: 93 additions & 227 deletions

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ Compatibility tests are included for latest LTS Python versions that have ``Secu
| 3.7 | 26 Jun 2018 | 27 Jun 2023 | 3.7.17 |

{: .highlight }
You can use ``multicloud-diagrams`` with ``Python`` versions ``<3.7`` that do not have official ``Security Support`` with your own verification.
>You can use ``multicloud-diagrams`` with ``Python`` versions ``<3.7`` that do not have official ``Security Support`` with your own verification.
>Since ``27 Jun 2023`` Python ``3.7`` has no security support, ``multicloud-diagrams`` are still support this version (pipeline with full features compatibility check), however on next Python LTS releases
it will be deprecated. This evolution will enable us to seamlessly embrace the latest language features not accessible in the 3.7 release.

The package is readily accessible on [PyPI:](
for easy installation and usage. As an open-source project, it encourages community participation and welcomes contributions from developers
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions docs/docs/core-components/
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Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,12 @@ New (v0.2.0)
{: .label .label-green }

{: .note }
Fallback Vertex for node types that currently not present in the framework. The fallback icon will be rendered for such element.
Also you will see console WARNING: No such nodeType: non_existing_super_cloud_service in the Library (using default fallback icon Info). Please contact maintainer to add it, or provide MergeRequest``

Framework library is periodically updated with new ``Vertex`` types added.
If you are using not currently supported vertex type, the fallback icon will be rendered for such element.
Also, you will see console message:
WARNING: No such nodeType: non_existing_super_cloud_service in the Library (using default fallback icon Info). Please contact maintainer to add it, or provide MergeRequest``

## Node Type: ``fallback_vertex``
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16 changes: 3 additions & 13 deletions docs/docs/core-components/
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Expand Up @@ -25,17 +25,7 @@ M[Mingrammer migration] --> A

{: .d-inline-block }
``Diagrams as a Code`` approach is initially implemented from early versions. You can track syntax of resources declaration
- ``Diagrams as a Code`` approach is initially implemented from early versions. You can track syntax of resources declaration
for [Core](/docs/core-components/), [AWS](/docs/aws-components/) and [On-Prem](/docs/onprem-components/) resources.

New (v0.2.1)
{: .label .label-green }

{: .d-inline-block }
ingestion resources declared in external ``YAML`` file

New (v0.3.8)
{: .label .label-green }

- ingestion resources declared in [external ``YAML`` file](/docs/core-components/yaml.html)

145 changes: 14 additions & 131 deletions docs/docs/core-components/
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Expand Up @@ -20,148 +20,31 @@ In this context, an additional "IAM" layer is incorporated at the apex, further


Common kinds of callouts include `highlight`, `important`, `new`, `note`, and `warning`.
## Code Snippet:

{: .warning }
These callout names are *not* pre-defined by the theme: you need to define your own names.
Let's explore how to interact with layer starting from simple example - by adding 2 layers ``Storage`` and ``Processing`` with dedicated resources ``lambda function`` and ``dynamoDB`` for each layer:

You can put the callout markup either before or after its content.

#### An untitled callout
{: .no_toc }

{: .highlight }
A paragraph

{: .highlight }
A paragraph

#### A single paragraph callout
{: .no_toc }

{: .note }
A paragraph

`{: .note }`
A paragraph

{: .note-title }
> My note title
> A paragraph with a custom title callout

{: .note-title }
> My note title
> A paragraph with a custom title callout
#### A multi-paragraph callout
{: .no_toc }

{: .important }
> A paragraph
> Another paragraph
> The last paragraph

{: .important }
> A paragraph
> Another paragraph
> The last paragraph
{: .important-title }
> My important title
> A paragraph
> Another paragraph
> The last paragraph
{% root_include_snippet ../tests/core/ layer%}

{: .important-title }
> My important title
> A paragraph
> Another paragraph
> The last paragraph
#### An indented callout
{: .no_toc }

> {: .highlight }
A paragraph

> {: .highlight }
A paragraph
## Rendering:

#### Indented multi-paragraph callouts
{: .no_toc }

> {: .new }
> > A paragraph
> >
> > Another paragraph
> >
> > The last paragraph
## Show/Hide Layers with assigned resources:

> {: .new }
> > A paragraph
> >
> > Another paragraph
> >
> > The last paragraph

### Full XML dump:

#### Nested callouts
{: .no_toc }

{: .important }
> {: .warning }
> A paragraph
{% root_include docs/core-components/output/drawio/layer_3.drawio%}

{: .important }
> {: .warning }
> A paragraph
### drawio file:

#### Opaque background
{: .no_toc }
Download generated ``layer_3.drawio``:

{: .important }
> {: .opaque }
> <div markdown="block">
> {: .warning }
> A paragraph
> </div>
[Download](output/drawio/layer_3.drawio){: .btn .btn-purple }

{: .important }
> {: .opaque }
> <div markdown="block">
> {: .warning }
> A paragraph
> </div>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/docs/core-components/output/drawio/edge.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="multicloud-diagrams" agent="PIP package multicloud-diagrams. Generate resources in compatible format for Cloud infrastructure. Copyrights @ Roman Tsypuk 2023. MIT license." type="MultiCloud"><diagram id="diagram_1" name="AWS components"><mxGraphModel dx="1015" dy="661" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="850" pageHeight="1100" math="0" shadow="1"><root><mxCell id="0" /><mxCell id="1" parent="0" /><mxCell id="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-lambda-name&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" style="verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;align=left;pointerEvents=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.lambda_function;prIcon=server;fillColor=#F58534;gradientColor=none;html=1;" parent="1" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="69" height="72" as="geometry" x="60" y="-40" /></mxCell><mxCell id="vertex:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-dynamo-table&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" style="outlineConnect=0;dashed=0;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;align=left;html=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.dynamo_db;fillColor=#2E73B8;gradientColor=none;" parent="1" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="72" height="81" as="geometry" x="60" y="140" /></mxCell><mxCell id="edge:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" style="endFill=0;endArrow=none;endArrow=none;" parent="1" source="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" target="vertex:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" edge="2"><mxGeometry as="geometry" /></mxCell><mxCell id="label:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" value="GET permissions&lt;BR&gt;GET userinfo" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];labelBackgroundColor=none;" parent="edge:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" vertex="1" connectable="0"><mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry"><mxPoint as="offset" x="15" y="24" /></mxGeometry></mxCell></root></mxGraphModel></diagram></mxfile>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/docs/core-components/output/drawio/layer_3.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="multicloud-diagrams" agent="PIP package multicloud-diagrams. Generate resources in compatible format for Cloud infrastructure. Copyrights @ Roman Tsypuk 2023. MIT license." type="MultiCloud"><diagram id="diagram_1" name="AWS components"><mxGraphModel dx="1015" dy="661" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="850" pageHeight="1100" math="0" shadow="1"><root><mxCell id="0" /><mxCell id="1" parent="0" /><mxCell id="2" parent="0" value="Processing" /><mxCell id="3" parent="0" value="Storage" /><mxCell id="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-lambda-name&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" style="verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;align=left;pointerEvents=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.lambda_function;prIcon=server;fillColor=#F58534;gradientColor=none;html=1;" parent="2" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="69" height="72" as="geometry" x="180" y="-20" /></mxCell><mxCell id="vertex:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-dynamo-table&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" style="outlineConnect=0;dashed=0;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;align=left;html=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.dynamo_db;fillColor=#2E73B8;gradientColor=none;" parent="3" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="72" height="81" as="geometry" x="60" y="140" /></mxCell><mxCell id="edge:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" style="endFill=0;endArrow=none;endArrow=none;" parent="1" source="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" target="vertex:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" edge="2"><mxGeometry as="geometry" /></mxCell><mxCell id="label:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" value="GET permissions" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];labelBackgroundColor=none;" parent="edge:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name:to:dynamo:arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/prod-dynamo-table" vertex="1" connectable="0"><mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry"><mxPoint as="offset" /></mxGeometry></mxCell></root></mxGraphModel></diagram></mxfile>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/docs/core-components/output/drawio/vertex.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="multicloud-diagrams" agent="PIP package multicloud-diagrams. Generate resources in compatible format for Cloud infrastructure. Copyrights @ Roman Tsypuk 2023. MIT license." type="MultiCloud"><diagram id="diagram_1" name="AWS components"><mxGraphModel dx="1015" dy="661" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="850" pageHeight="1100" math="0" shadow="1"><root><mxCell id="0" /><mxCell id="1" parent="0" /><mxCell id="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-lambda-name&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" style="verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;align=left;pointerEvents=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.lambda_function;prIcon=server;fillColor=#F58534;gradientColor=none;html=1;" parent="1" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="69" height="72" as="geometry" x="60" y="-40" /></mxCell></root></mxGraphModel></diagram></mxfile>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/docs/core-components/output/drawio/vertex_meta.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="multicloud-diagrams" agent="PIP package multicloud-diagrams. Generate resources in compatible format for Cloud infrastructure. Copyrights @ Roman Tsypuk 2023. MIT license." type="MultiCloud"><diagram id="diagram_1" name="AWS components"><mxGraphModel dx="1015" dy="661" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="850" pageHeight="1100" math="0" shadow="1"><root><mxCell id="0" /><mxCell id="1" parent="0" /><mxCell id="vertex:lambda_function:arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name" value="&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;: prod-lambda-name&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;ARN&lt;/b&gt;: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:prod-lambda-name&lt;BR&gt;-----------&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;CodeSize&lt;/b&gt;: 1234&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Handler&lt;/b&gt;: main&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Layers&lt;/b&gt;: 0&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Memory&lt;/b&gt;: 128&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;PackageType&lt;/b&gt;: Zip&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Runtime&lt;/b&gt;: go1.x&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Timeout&lt;/b&gt;: 30&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;TracingConfig&lt;/b&gt;: {'Mode': 'Active'}&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Version&lt;/b&gt;: $LATEST" style="verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;align=left;pointerEvents=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.lambda_function;prIcon=server;fillColor=#F58534;gradientColor=none;html=1;" parent="1" vertex="1"><mxGeometry width="69" height="72" as="geometry" x="60" y="-40" /></mxCell></root></mxGraphModel></diagram></mxfile>
Binary file added docs/docs/core-components/output/jpg/edge.jpg
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Binary file added docs/docs/core-components/output/jpg/layer_3.jpg
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Binary file added docs/docs/core-components/output/jpg/vertex.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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95 changes: 73 additions & 22 deletions docs/docs/core-components/
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ date: 2023-08-07

{: .highlight }
Vertices & Edges are core components of ``multicloud-diagrams`` framework. It supports ingestion of these elements
through programming API, YAML-based file.
through programming API or from YAML-based files.

## Vertex

Expand All @@ -20,33 +21,83 @@ def add_vertex(self,
fill_color: str = None, x: int = None, y: int = None)

| Mandatory | |
| node_id | good swedish fish |
| node_name | good and plenty |
| node_type | good `zoute` drop |
| Mandatory | |
| **node_id** | unique identifier (FQDN, URL, ARN, etc.) - unique in entire diagram |
| **node_name** | any value (FQDN, URL, alpha-numeric value, etc.) |
| **node_type** | there is a defined list of supported node_types for rendering (**dynamodb**, **lambda_function**, etc.), if node type is not supported, fallback will be used. Each node on documentation page has node_type. |

| Optional | |
| **metadata** | key/value pairs used to represent additional information |
| **layer_name** | vertices can be added to specific layer, if not specified the default layer is used |
| **layer_id** | for programmatic access layers can be referenced also by ID |
| **fill_color** | if specified changes default Vertex fill color |
| **x** | positioning Vertex on palette |
| **y** | positioning Vertex on palette |

### Code Snippet NO Metadata:

{% root_include_snippet ../tests/core/ vertex%}

### Rendering:


| Optional | |
| metadata | good swedish fish |
| layer_name | good swedish fish |
| layer_id | good swedish fish |
| fill_color | good swedish fish |
| x | good swedish fish |
| y | good swedish fish |
### Code Snippet with Metadata:

``Metadata`` is represented as dictionary of key/value pairs. When rendering ``key`` is be marked with bold, each key/value pair
is located on dedicated line.

{% root_include_snippet ../tests/core/ vertex_metadata%}

### Rendering:


## Edge

Each ``vertex`` has a mandatory and optional attributes.
def add_link(self, src_node_id, dst_node_id, action=None)

| Mandatory Attributes | |
| **src_node_id** | RESOURCE_TYPE:ID |
| **dst_node_id** | RESOURCE_TYPE:ID |

| Optional Attributes | |
| **action** | string[] |

``Vertices`` are connected using ``Edges``. Such edge is build by specifying ``source`` and ``target`` Vertex IDs. These connections, also can have a series of labels to describe the relation or actions.

``node_id`` has the following syntax: ``<RESOURCE_TYPE>:<ID>``. Examples:

| Optional Attributes | head two |
| metadata | good swedish fish |

To see the list of all supported nodes (currently AWS and on-prem), syntax of each node with examples, please follow to ``AWS Components`` section
### Code Snippet Edge with Label of Actions:

Vertices are connected using edges, by specifying source and target Vertex IDs. Also allowing to add labels to connection.
{% root_include_snippet ../tests/core/ edge%}

ID syntax is: ``RESOURCE_TYPE:ARN``
Examples: f'lambda_function:{func_arn}' f'iam_role:{role_arn}'
### Rendering:


{: .highlight }
The comprehensive compilation of supported Components, accompanied by their respective syntax, enriched with illustrative code snippets, rendering previews, and credible sources,
can be found on appropriate section of this documentation:
- [``CORE Components``](../core-components)
- [``AWS Components``](../aws-components)
- [``On-Prem Components``](../onprem-components)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/docs/
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@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: default
title: DRAWIO How-To
nav_order: 4
title: DRAWIO How-to
nav_order: 6
date: 2023-08-07

# DRAWIO How-to
{: .no_toc } has gained widespread popularity as an extensively used editor and file format. Apart from the standard web browser version, it offers various other scenarios for usage, which include:
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Binary file added docs/docs/images/drawio-layers.gif
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/docs/onprem-components/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: default
title: ONPREM Components
nav_order: 4
nav_order: 5
has_children: true
permalink: /docs/onprem-components
date: 2023-08-06
Expand Down

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