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How to use sessions?

tsziming edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 1 revision

Session data is the user data in every separate chat.

Session is an EF-Entity with shared primary key - UserID and ChatID.

There is a recommended way to use sessions via built-in Listener async methods GetSession(Message | CallbackQuery) and SaveChanges().

But you can sure use session natively for more complex operations as a EntityFramework Core Database.

Built-in Way (Recommended where possible)

  1. In your listener/command Handler()/Run()/RunAsync() method initialize a Session variable and pass Message or CallbackQuery:
        public override async Task Handler(Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var session = await GetSession(context.Update.Message);
  1. Get all values you want from session:
        public override async Task Handler(Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var session = await GetSession(context.Update.Message);
  1. Change all values you want:
        public override async Task Handler(Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var session = await GetSession(context.Update.Message);
            session.Name = "[VIP] " + session.Name;
  1. Save your changes with SaveChanges() method:
        public override async Task Handler(Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var session = await GetSession(context.Update.Message);
            session.Name = "[VIP] " + session.Name;
            await SaveChanges();
  1. Complete! Now you can start your bot and test your new session-ful business logic.

Entity Framework Way

  1. In any place of your code get database context:
SessionContext db = Database.GetConnection().SessionContext;
  1. Then you can perform some Entity Framework Core operations:
using (SessionContext db = Database.GetConnection().SessionContext) 
       session = await db.FindAsync<Session>(
  1. Complete! Now you can start your bot and test your new session-ful business logic.