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Code for Can we trust LLM Self-Explanations for Entity Resolution?.


To install ELLMER locally run :

pip install .


To replicate experiments, first download the DeepMatcher datasets somewhere on your local disk, then use the python eval script.

You can choose the LLM model_type by choosing:

  • OpenAI models deployed on Azure with --model_type azure_openai
  • local Llama2-13B model --model_type llama2
  • local Falcon model --model_type falcon

You can choose how many samples the evaluation should account for (--samples param), the explanation granularity (--granularity param, accepted values are token and attribute).

You can choose one or more datasets for the evaluation as the name of one or more directories in the base_dir.

python scripts/ --base_dir path/to/deepmatcher_datasets --model_type azure_openai --datasets beers --samples 5 --granularity token

Other optional parameters can be specified in the script.



If you extend or use this work, please cite:

  title={Can we trust LLM Self-Explanations for Entity Resolution?},
  author={Teofili, Tommaso and Firmani, Donatella and Koudas, Nick and Merialdo, Paolo and Srivastava, Divesh},