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Poly2Tri:Fast and Robust Simple Polygon triangulation with/without holes 
                        by Sweep Line Algorithm                            
                               Liang, Wu 
        Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Centre for Sys. Eng. & App. Mech.           FEMAGSoft S.A.
Universite Cathalique de Louvain            4, Avenue Albert Einstein
Batiment Euler, Avenue Georges Lemaitre, 4  B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
B-1348, Louvain-la-Neuve                    Belgium

1. Introduction 

Poly2Tri is a fast and robust simple polygon triangulator by sweep line
algorithm. It can handle simple polygon with/without holes as your wish.
There is no vertices/holes limits for input polygon. The full discript-
ions of this sweep line algorithm and improvment by me can be found from
1) Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Schwarzkopf, 
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, 2nd Edition.
2) J. O'Rourke, Computational in C, 2nd Edition. 
3) Poly2Tri's website mentioned above.

Poly2Tri was developed by standard C++ and didn't use any additional lib-
raries, so it could be compiled on most Linux/Unix like platform. I will
port to windows platform if i have time. In order to well understand the 
source codes, the reader should have a basic understanding on Standard 
template Library (STL), since most of the data structures I used is from 
STL, like list, map, pripority queue, stack etc., unless those data str-
uctures i couldn't find from STL, like splay tree for efficient edge bi-
nary searching. Unlike most papers/textbooks recommended, I didn't use 
circular double-linked list in Poly2Tri. 

As far as i know, Poly2Tri is one of the fastest code open to public on 
the web and outperformed other popular triangulation codes according my
primary testings. A full comparsions and disscussions between Poly2Tri
and other popular codes like "Triangle" by Shewchuk, "FIST" ny Held and 
"triangulation" code by Narkhede and Manocha will be available soon from
Poly2Tri's website.

Poly2Tri is also robust thanks to routines from Shewchuk arbitrary prec-
ision floating-point arithmetic and fast robust geometric predicates. A-
lso thanks to FEMAGSoft S.A, i can open this source code to public. Pol- 
y2Tri was developed in a very short time, please Report bugs to: or Thanks for your contributions.

2. How to install Poly2Tri?

2.1 Linux/Unix

Download Poly2Tri from the link above if you haven't. 

> tar zxvf poly2tri.tar.tgz
> cd poly2tri
> make

It should work on most Linux/Unix like distribution. Currently, I only 
tested Poly2Tri on Redhat Linux 8.0 (gcc 2.9.6) and Mandrake Linux 10.1 
( gcc-3.4.1 ) with my IBM T23 Laptop (yeah, I'm a Thinkpad fan and this  
laptop works perferctly for me for three years already!  My next laptop 
should be Thinkpad X4X or X5X:-)).

2.2 Microsoft Windows

Poly2Tri was ported to Microsoft Windows recently. You can download the 
the latest binary code from Poly2Tri's website. Since the previous version
of Microsoft Visual C++ (for example Visual C++ 6.0) doesn't support stand-
ard C++ template very well, i couldn't compile it sucessfully by VC 6.0. 
If you really want to try and compile the souce code on Microsoft Windows 
platform, the compiler I recommend is the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express 
Edition, which is free and you can download it from the link below:

3. How to use Poly2Tri? 

Usage: poly2tri [-hpstmd] filename.
     -p: DO NOT parse input bdm (boundary mesh) file.
         Use this option if the input is very large without any comments.
     -s: Output results as ShowMe formats.
     -t: Output results as TECPLOT ASCII PLT format.
     -m: DO NOT output monotone polygons and triangulation results
         as metapost source file.
     -d: Output debug information (log file).
     -h: This help message.


     ./poly2tri sample.bdm

     Poly2Tri will parse the sample.bdm and then triangulate it to triangles. 
     One file will be generated. This file is a metapost source file,
     you may compile it by metapost (go to the following link to download one
     if you don't have.
     waiting few seconds then enter "end", another three files sample.1 and 
     sample.2 and simple.3 will be generated. These are three EPS/PS files
     and can be viewed by gsview, kghostview etc. sample.1 is an EPS/PS file 
     of input polygon and sample.2 is an EPS/PS file with all inserted diagonals 
     which paritition the polygon to monotone pieces, and all shadowed monotone 
     polygons; sample.3 is an EPS/PS file with all triangles.

     If you want to show the vertex index labels, remove the comments from 
     metapost source file. See the source code for details. Please
     be noticed that if you do like that, you have to run mps2eps before you
     view by gsview, kghostview etc. About mps2eps, see for details.

     ./poly2tri sample.bdm -spm

     Poly2Tri will NOT parse the sample.bdm and triangulate it to triangles.
     Metapost source file is ingnored and two sample.ele and 
     sample.node are generated, which can be visualized by ShowMe developed 
     by Jonathan Shewchuk. if you don't have it, go to Jonathan's website to
     download one,  

     ./poly2tri sample.bdm -tsd
     Four files will be generated.                     (metapost source file)
     sample.ele and sample.node    (visualized by ShowMe)
     sample.log                    (debug file, for debugging purpose only)
     sample.plt                    (TECPLOT ASCII FEM mesh file format)
     TECPLOT is a commerical visulization tool, If you don't have it, sorry,
     you have to buy a copy.

4. Known bugs
   MetaPost couldn't handle variable dimension bigger than 4096, so the .mp 
   source file couldn't be compiled sucessfully. At this case, i suggest you
   run poly2tri with -sm options if the size of you input polygon is larger 
   than 4096, then run ShowMe to save .eps or .ps file instead.
5. Fix bugs/updates

    5.1 Nov. 14, 2005. Monotone polygon searching method is improved. 
    5.2 Nov. 17, 2005. Using the line segment left x coordinate as splaytree 
                       binary searching key to find the direct left edge when 
                       handling an event vertex, instead using the mid-side
                       x coordinate.

    5.3 Nov. 19, 2005. Using dynamic splaytree binary searching key for 
                       direct left line segment searching, instead of using
                       mid-side x coordinate or left x coordinate.

                       Thanks polygon geometries from Prof. Martin Held, I
                       can find and fix above two bugs.

    5.4 Dec. 20, 2005. Ported to Microsoft Windows platform.  

Liang, Wu



Fixed poly2tri for latest compilers by including stdlib.h






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