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Concept Document

Tyler Tuan Tran edited this page Mar 24, 2023 · 18 revisions


1. Game Overview

2. Game Features

3. Game Objective

4. Game Synopsis

1 Game Overview

1.1 Title, Platform, Genre, Rating, Target Market

  • Title: Cat Break
  • Platform: PC
  • Genre: Puzzle/Physics/Strategy
  • Rating: E for Everyone
  • Target Market: Casual Gamers

1.2 High Concept

Cat Break! is a strategy puzzle game that gives the user to play as a Cat whose main objective is to break things with the puzzle-like limited cardboard boxes it can find around the house. Players must account for items that they stack while also understanding the limited cardboard boxes at each different level.

Experience an adorable cat with mean intentions to break things by building paths with this puzzle-strategy game! You're a smart cat always bored while your owners are gone? Get ready to break things!


Revision: Given the amount of time and the other classes, I instead just did cardboard boxes rather than making other household items

2 Game Features

2.1 Unique Selling Points

  • Fun for Gamers that loves and can relate to owning a cat
  • Original puzzle-building cat game
  • Adorable cat

2.2 Other Key Features

  • Cartoony-Style Cat Feature
  • Puzzle-like cardboard boxes


Revision: Only made cardboard boxes for this instead of making other household items because it would have taken longer.

3 Game Objective

The objective is to have a player build a bridge/stairway path for the cat by using puzzle-like household items and furniture. The player must also account for the limited resources given to them at each level. Players can also use their surroundings on trying to find the best path for the cat to get from point A to point B for their goal to break the item that they deemed as breakable.

4 Game Synopsis

4.1 Story Setting

In the fun puzzle-strategy game "Cat Break!", you are a cat named Orange that watched an Architecture lecture that your owner, Emily, had been watching for classes for the past few weeks. When your owner leaves the apartment to go to work, you get bored pretty fast, and since you are still a cat, you have the urge to break things. However, the owner put all the things that you wanted to break high on the shelves because of the amount of time that you had done in the past. Luckily, cardboard boxes that Emily had left around can help Orange's goal. While things seem too easy, Orange remembers that it can be difficult if he does not put the items correctly. You can strategize with the cardboard boxes, your surroundings, and the best building strategy to get Orange to get his goal.

4.2 Player's Role

Players take the role of Orange the Cat where they use the puzzle-like household item to build their way across to their goal of the item that they wanted to break. Players must strategize on the way they use their items while accounting for the structure of the household items and the weight of some items.

5 Platform Requirements

  • Must be programmed by Unity
  • Must be designed and programmed for PC/Laptop Only