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Tucker Gordon and James Jelin
Project 1

What has been done so far:
-Cleaned data to be just the parts that we’re going to use
-Loaded data into js
-Built and ran function for creating a JSON object that can be used as the backend for the tree visualization (this is done once, and then saved in ‘treeData.js’
-Constructed the tree visualization based on the JSON object
-Constructed basic line graph
-Added toggle that adds two other lines to visualization with transition
-Added points to lines with tooltips that show up on hover
-Modularized all code (put code in functions to clean it up)

treeVis.html			// html containing the tree visualization
lineVis.html			// html containing the line graph
main.css			// styling for both html documents
js/treeVis.js			// the js for creating the tree visualization
js/treeData.js			// the js for the tree’s JSON object
js/lineVis.js			// the js for creating the line graph
js/d3.v3.js			// D3
Share of Work Table.html	// a table listing the tasks and how the work was shared
student-por.csv			// the dataset


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