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Park with a lot of common tong's trees around it, hang on the grass, sauce spots, grass, li garlic, cucurbit flute everywhere, it seems, are still rare precious shrubs, bank rows of willow wind drift, light green hair bright and beautiful and easy, the Banks of the river stands stands metasequoia deferential, seeing-off the passing crowd. QiaoTu hangs on bud of euonymus fortunei, pink peach blossom fairy, if purity of pear flower Smith, mysterious overwhelmed. A few features and nature are quite suitable for Gemini. A constellation, I like thinking has two parts. Part said, east part say to the west, is I dwell. 天美传媒TM0087  在老家,我家算是外来户(从我爷爷开始才搬到那个地方的),所以老是受到大姓人家的欺负。每每这个时候,母亲总是很坚韧。少不更事的我没有少给母亲惹麻烦。少年的我很内向,但是骨子里充满着反抗精神,只要谁敢欺负我,不管他有多强,我一定要跟他抗到底,因此没有少挨母亲教训。印象最深的一次,有天一个比我大好几岁的一个大姓人家的孩子在和我伯伯的孩子吵架的时候骂了我的奶奶,而我那哥哥生性懦弱,竟是不敢回嘴。忍不住我就打了他,结果是那一家人找上门来,母亲一边向人家赔礼道歉,一边找我算帐,而这个时候的我早就躲进了屋后的油菜田。找了大半天都没有找到我踪影的母亲急了,在带着哭声到处叫着我的小名字的当儿,我居然在油菜田里睡着了。后来在出来许多人最终在油菜田里发现正在酣睡的我的那天夜里,我发现母亲一个人在偷偷流眼泪。
