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uGet for macOS

uGet for macOS is a project that contains all the necessary configuration files, themes, scripts, and instructions to create the uGet app bundle and a dmg installer image for macOS.


The macOS binaries can be downloaded from the uGet Releases page:


In addition to standard uGet configuration, the macOS bundle creates its own configuration file under ~/.config/uget/uget_mac.conf upon first start. In this configuration file, it is possible to override the used theme (light/dark) when autodetection based on the macOS system theme is not desired.

Files and Directories

A brief description of the contents of the project directory:


  • launcher: A binary launcher used to set up environment variables to run uGet.
  • Prof-Gnome: Prof-Gnome 3.6 GTK 3 Theme with minor modifications.
  • Papirus, Papirus-Dark: Papirus GTK 3 icon theme with many unnecessary icons removed to save space.
  • macos-icon-design: Design file for macOS uGet icon.
  • iconbuilder.iconset: Source uGet icons for the bundle.
  • modulesets-stable, patches: Copy of the modulesets-stable and patches directory from the gtk-osx project containing dependency specifications. Since the upstream project is sometimes unstable, this allows a snapshot of a working configuration for our build.
  • patches: Various patches fixing dependencies to enable bundling.
  • utils: Various utility scripts.

Configuration files

  • Info.plist: macOS application configuration file containing basic information like application name, version, etc. Also additional configuration including file types the application can open.
  • uget.bundle: Configuration file describing the contents of the app bundle.
  • uget.entitlements: Runtime hardening entitlements file.
  • uget.modules: JHBuild modules file with uGet dependencies.
  • settings.ini: Default theme configuration file for GTK 3.


  • Script to create the app bundle.
  • Script calling create-dmg to create the dmg installer image.
  • Script for notarizing the dmg using the Apple notary service.
  • Script for signing the app bundle.

General Instructions

For more general instructions about building and bundling macOS applications, please visit:

The HOWTO below contains just the portions necessary/relevant for building and bundling uGet.


  • macOS
  • Xcode and command-line tools


To create the bundle, you first need to install JHBuild and GTK as described below:

  1. Create a new account for jhbuild to ensure it does not interfere with other command-line tools installed on your system.

  2. When cross-compiling x86_64 binaries on a new ARM-based Apple computer, run:

env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login

to create an x86_64 shell. All compilation steps below must be executed in this shell.

  1. Depending on the shell used, add the following lines to .zprofile or .bash_profile to define these variables and restart your shell:
export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/.new_local/bin"
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  1. Get by running:
curl -L -o

And run it:

  1. Add the following lines to ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom:
setup_sdk(target="10.13", architectures=["x86_64"]) 
#setup_sdk(target="11", architectures=["arm64"])
setup_release() # enables optimizations

With these settings, the build creates a 64-bit Intel binary that works on macOS 10.13 and later. Instead of x86_64 you can specify arm64 to produce binaries for Apple ARM processors. This only works when building on ARM processors - it is not possible to compile ARM binaries on Intel processors.

  1. Install GTK and all its dependencies by running the following command inside the uget-osx directory:
jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx && jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap meta-gtk-osx-gtk3

If the upstream project fails to build, use our snapshot of modulesets that was used to build the last uGet release:

jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx && jhbuild -m "" build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap meta-gtk-osx-gtk3
  1. To build uGet, plugins, and all dependencies, run one of the following commands inside uget-osx depending on whether to use uGet sources from the latest release tarball or current git master:
  • tarball

    jhbuild -m `pwd`/uget.modules build uget-bundle-release
  • git master

    jhbuild -m `pwd`/uget.modules build uget-bundle-git


  1. Build the launcher binary by running:
xcodebuild ARCHS=`uname -m` -project launcher/uget/uget.xcodeproj clean build

inside uget-osx.

  1. Start the jhbuild shell:
jhbuild shell

Steps 3 and 4 assume you are running from within the jhbuild shell.

  1. To bundle all available uGet themes, get them from and copy the colorschemes directory under $PREFIX/share/uget.

  2. Inside uget-osx, create the app bundle:

  1. Exit the jhbuild shell with exit.

  2. Optionally, to sign the resulting bundle with a development Apple account, get the signing identities:

security find-identity -p codesigning

Use the whole string within apostrophes containing "Developer ID Application: ..." in:

export SIGN_CERTIFICATE="Developer ID Application: ..." 

Then run:



  1. Get create-dmg from and add it to your $PATH.

  2. Create the dmg installation image by running:


from uget-osx. If SIGN_CERTIFICATE is defined, the image gets signed.

  1. Optionally, to get the image notarized by Apple notary service, run:
./ <dmg_file> <apple_id> 

Where <dmg_file> is the generated dmg file and <apple_id> is the Apple ID used for your developer account. The script prompts for an app-specific password generated for your Apple ID.


Some maintenance activities not required for normal bundle/installer creation:

  • Sync Info.plist file associations with filetype_extensions.conf by copying the filetype extension portion from filetype_extensions.conf to the marked place in utils/, running the script, and copying the output to the marked place in Info.plist.

  • Before release, update the uGet version and copyright years in Info.plist and Also update the -release targets in uget.modules to the new release. Dependencies in uget.modules can also be updated.

  • Copy modulesets-stable from gtk-osx into this project to get the latest dependencies (if it builds) and possibly modify it if something does not work.

  • To ensure nothing is left from a previous build when making a new release, run:

rm -rf .new_local .local Source gtk .cache/jhbuild


This repository builds on the work done in the geany project:

The geany-osx repository contains instructions and scripts for building and packaging the Geany text editor for macOS. This uGet-osx repository adapts those instructions for building uGet instead.