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Types of Keys

Hüseyin Tuğrul BÜYÜKIŞIK edited this page Dec 16, 2022 · 10 revisions

Any type of key can be given. Underlying key-value storage is a circular buffer mapped by a Map. Cache-miss performance with Map is better than using plain object for mapping from keys to values. Circular buffer is garbage-collection-friendly.

Benchmark for 1000000 keys (in milliseconds unit):

(test system is FX8150 at 2.1GHz + 1 channel ddr3 memory at 1600MHz + Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit)

"use strict";

let Lru = require("./lrucache.js").Lru;

let miss=0;
let hit_miss = 0;
let expiretime=100000000;
let cache = new Lru(10000 /* enough to hold 100x100 pixels */, async function(key,callback){
        // cache-read-miss function
}, expiretime /* , cache-write-miss function with parameters (key,value,callback) if cache.set(..) will be used */);

let rep = 0;
function test()
	let ctr=0;
	let t =;
	for(let i=0;i<1000000;i++)
				console.log(("ms      cache hit="+(100*(1000000-miss)/1000000)+"%"); 
				if(rep<10) { rep++; test(); }


Integer keys, all cache-hits (including Math function computation latencies):

704ms      cache hit=99.9%
1280ms      cache hit=100%
1259ms      cache hit=100%
647ms      cache hit=100%
641ms      cache hit=100%
642ms      cache hit=100%
638ms      cache hit=100%
656ms      cache hit=100%
646ms      cache hit=100%
648ms      cache hit=100%
643ms      cache hit=100%

String keys, all cache-hits:

769ms      cache hit=99.9%
1430ms      cache hit=100%
1383ms      cache hit=100%
707ms      cache hit=100%
722ms      cache hit=100%
707ms      cache hit=100%
723ms      cache hit=100%
731ms      cache hit=100%
729ms      cache hit=100%
718ms      cache hit=100%
716ms      cache hit=100%

Object keys, all cache-hits:

636ms      cache hit=99.9%
981ms      cache hit=100%
975ms      cache hit=100%
561ms      cache hit=100%
568ms      cache hit=100%
573ms      cache hit=100%
564ms      cache hit=100%
556ms      cache hit=100%
566ms      cache hit=100%
560ms      cache hit=100%
566ms      cache hit=100%

Seems like object keys are fastest but I had to add an array to hold their references so that they are not anonymous/temporary for the cache (which makes them unique for each even if they are same stringify result).

Integer keys, 99% cache-misses:

1464ms      cache hit=0.988%
1806ms      cache hit=1.0018%
1921ms      cache hit=1.0045%
1221ms      cache hit=0.9981%
1374ms      cache hit=1.0122%
1189ms      cache hit=1.0092%
1366ms      cache hit=1.0006%
1219ms      cache hit=1.0184%
1199ms      cache hit=0.9956%
1184ms      cache hit=1.0009%
1184ms      cache hit=1.0013%

String keys, 99% cache-misses:

1879ms      cache hit=0.9889%
2484ms      cache hit=0.9998%
1716ms      cache hit=0.9883%
1933ms      cache hit=0.996%
1701ms      cache hit=1.0255%
1847ms      cache hit=0.9996%
1688ms      cache hit=0.996%
1890ms      cache hit=0.9981%
1676ms      cache hit=1.0122%
1886ms      cache hit=1.0199%
1693ms      cache hit=0.9989%

Since more bytes are involved with strings, it is normal to have memory-intensive functions slowed-down.

Object keys, 100% cache-misses:

1654ms      cache hit=0%
1628ms      cache hit=0%
1176ms      cache hit=0%
1337ms      cache hit=0%
1248ms      cache hit=0%
1310ms      cache hit=0%
1305ms      cache hit=0%
1297ms      cache hit=0%
1270ms      cache hit=0%
1295ms      cache hit=0%
1290ms      cache hit=0%

If FX8150 at 2.1GHz + 1 channel memory can do 2000 cache-hits per millisecond for object keys, then a new CPU at 4.2GHz should do at least 5000 cache-hits per millisecond. Also cache-miss performance of "780 operations per millisecond" shouldn't be a problem for

  • file-reading from NVME/SSD
  • socket I/O
  • downloading web documents
  • updating/reading a database
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