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Error handling

Hüseyin Tuğrul BÜYÜKIŞIK edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

Currently only basic checks are included:

  • number of elements needs to be integer-multiple of page size (in elements, not bytes)

  • number of total virtual graphics card instances need to be less than or equal to number of pages

#include "GraphicsCardSupplyDepot.h"
#include "VirtualMultiArray.h"

int main(int argC, char ** argV)
	GraphicsCardSupplyDepot depot;

	const size_t n = 58;
	const size_t pageSize=3; // 58 = 19*pageSize + 1 !!!
        const int maxActivePagesPerGpu = 1;

                // deliberately chosen 60 gpu instances to raise exception (60>58/3)
                VirtualMultiArray<char> img(n,depot.requestGpus(),pageSize,maxActivePagesPerGpu,{20,20,20});

	catch(std::exception & e)
	return 0;