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Tolu Oluwagbemi edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 7 revisions


Ava is a state persistent modular multi-intent based behavioural voice assistant.

To simply put, Ava is an artificially intelligent system that aims at making human - machine interaction as humanly as possible. In the search of this quest, a unique approach to semantics, actions and speech generation is required. This Wiki gives full understanding to every concept that makes this a reality.


The aim is to create a Companion AI. Ava aims to become an every day companion, at work, home, office, restaurants etc. By creating a background which will include, pet talks, jokes handling, emotional responses (everyday conversations with any human), with these background in all instance of Ava either at work or home, other modules that provide more functionality for different instance can now be built. Since the best way to fully implement a companion ai is to fully integrate it within an operating system, the aim is to create a community powered AI that is capable of various fits and then embed it in our everyday devices.

Basic Concepts

  • Semantics The approach of Ava to semantics is Symbols. The process is simply downing complex sentences into simple, matchable and extractible symbols. The approach parses different aspect of the sentence to actions, pointers, modifiers (negators, quantitates, conditioners, emphasizers etc.) and objects. i.e.
a very very good job = [good:80][1:job]
  • Behavior Matrix To create expected reactions to interactions, Ava uses a behavior matrix. Which is basically a designed action or set of actions that triggers an expected reaction. To fully achieve this, a bit of psychology is involved.
  • Intents Every major actions in Ava is carried out by special programs called Intents. Intents a small programs that has a set of requirements and a set of actions to satisfy those requirements.
  • Modules Ava's functionalities are designed in modules. A modules consist of sets of intents, set of triggers and a matrix mapping.
  • Speech Generation Speech generation in Ava is achieved with a direct reverse of semantics as explained above. With this approach, given two parameters: lexprof & clippings, a unique and syntactically accurate phrase can be generated for any given set of symbols.
  • Memory Every event are logged as memories. Memory are generally registered under events. Memories can be recalled, used in conversations etc.

Research & Development

Currently Ava is heavily under development. Its currently not recommended for ANY application of any form. Hoping this would change very soon.

Contribution & Donation

Most importantly, Ava is a community project. Contributors are at this time a priority. Either a programmer or not, even the first most used 100 words has not be parsed to symbols. Please ideas for modules, AI implementations like (image recognition, speech recognition, composition etc) are highly needed.

You can join the community to contribute. Every idea is welcomed!

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