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Go CodeQL codecov GitHub release (latest by date) Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript

Webapp build & start

To launch the db & app with seed data (deps: docker, docker-compose) run:

  1. make run

Topics covered

  • Project structure and organization
  • Debug mode
  • Configuration and error handling
    • Managing configuration settings
    • Leveled logging
    • Dependency injection
    • Centralized error handling
    • Isolating application routes
  • Database-driven responses
    • Database setup
    • Database driver installation
    • Database connection pool creation
    • Database model design
    • SQL statements execution
    • Single-record SQL queries
    • Multiple-record SQL queries
    • Transactions and other details
  • HTML templating and inheritance
    • Dynamic HTML templates
    • Serving static files
    • Displaying dynamic data
    • Template actions and functions
    • Caching templates
    • Catching runtime rrrors
    • Common dynamic data
    • Custom template functions
  • Middleware
    • Composable middleware chains
    • Setting security headers
    • Request logging
    • Panic recovery
  • RESTful routing
    • Router installation
    • RESTful routes implemention
  • Processing Forms
    • Setting up forms
    • Parsing form data
    • Data validation
    • Scaling data validation
  • Stateful HTTP
    • Session manager installation
    • Session manager setup
    • Working with session data
  • Security improvements
    • HTTPS server setup
    • HTTPS settings configuation
    • Connection timeouts
  • User authN
    • Routes setup
    • Users model creation
    • User signup and password encryption
    • User login
    • User logout
    • User authZ
    • CSRF protection
  • Request context for authN/authZ
  • Testing
    • Unit testing and sub-tests
    • Testing HTTP handlers
    • End-To-End testing
    • Mocking dependencies
    • Testing HTML forms
    • Integration testing
    • Profiling test coverage
  • Pages
    • About
    • Change Password
    • Home
    • Ping (status/uptime monitoring)
    • User login
    • User logout
    • User profile
    • User signup
    • Snippet (form|display)