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colinhunt edited this page Dec 8, 2012 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the CMPUT301F12T03 wiki!

Project part 4

1. Addressing feedback

  • Read Susan's comments and met with her three more times to discuss our app.

2. Code Base of Prototype

3. Code Documentation

4. Test Cases

  • View tests in repository under the package name: ca.ualberta.cs301_tests

5. Requirements Specification

  • Requirements Specification
  • Use Cases
    • The use case CreateTask is generalized to adding any filetype, thus this also covers specifying tasks that include audio or video components.
    • The use case AddFilesToTask also covers the new requirement of adding audio and video to a task, because the use case is general and not limited to the filetype. It also covers publishing the results of a task, because all files added to a public task are uploaded to the webservice where they can be viewed by anyone.

6. Object-oriented design

7. Refactoring

8. Release Planning

9. Reuse Statement

Project part 3

1. Addressing feedback

  • Taken care of through email on Oct 28/2012

2. Code Base of Prototype

  • View code in repository

3. Code Documentation

4. Test Cases

  • View tests in repository under the package name: ca.ualberta.cs301_tests

5. Object-oriented design

6. Release Planning

7. Reuse Statement

Project part 2

1. Requirements Specification

2. User interface mockup and storyboard

3. Object-Oriented Analysis

4. Release planning

5. Glossary and Information Sources: