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Logstasher Gem Version Build Status

Awesome Logging for Rails !!

This gem is heavily inspired from lograge, but it's focused on one thing and one thing only. That's making your logs awesome like this:

Awesome Logs

How it's done ?

By, using these awesome tools:

  • Logstash - Store and index your logs
  • Kibana - for awesome visualization. This is optional though, and you can use any other visualizer

To know how to setup these tools - visit my blog

About logstasher

This gem purely focuses on how to generate logstash compatible logs i.e. logstash json event format, without any overhead. Infact, logstasher logs to a separate log file named logstash_<environment>.log. The reason for this separation:

  • To have a pure json log file
  • Prevent any logger messages(e.g. info) getting into our pure json logs

Before logstasher :

Started GET "/login" for at 2013-04-30 08:59:01 -0400
Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML
  Rendered sessions/new.html.haml within layouts/application (4.3ms)
  Rendered shared/_javascript.html.haml (0.6ms)
  Rendered shared/_flashes.html.haml (0.2ms)
  Rendered shared/_header.html.haml (52.9ms)
  Rendered shared/_title.html.haml (0.2ms)
  Rendered shared/_footer.html.haml (0.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 532ms (Views: 62.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | ND API: 0.0ms)

After logstasher:


By default, the older format rails request logs are disabled, though you can enable them.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'logstasher'

Configure your <environment>.rb e.g. development.rb

# Enable the logstasher logs for the current environment
config.logstasher.enabled = true

# This line is optional if you do not want to suppress app logs in your <environment>.log
config.logstasher.suppress_app_log = false

Adding custom fields to the log

Since some fields are very specific to your application for e.g. user_name, so it is left upto you, to add them. Here's how to add those fields to the logs:

# Create a file - config/initializers/logstasher.rb

if LogStasher.enabled
  LogStasher.add_custom_fields do |fields|
    # This block is run in application_controller context, 
    # so you have access to all controller methods
    fields[:user] = current_user && current_user.mail
    fields[:site] = request.path =~ /^\/api/ ? 'api' : 'user'

    # If you are using custom instrumentation, just add it to logstasher custom fields
    LogStasher.custom_fields << :myapi_runtime


All versions require Rails 3.0.x and higher and Ruby 1.9.2+. Tested on Rails 4 and Ruby 2.0


  • Run tests - rake
  • Generate test coverage report - rake coverage. Coverage report path - coverage/index.html


Copyright (c) 2013 Shadab Ahmed, released under the MIT license


Awesome rails logs






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  • Ruby 100.0%