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This repo was created to be used with the travel-tracker project.

Set Up

Clone this down, and cd into it. Then run:

npm install

npm start


Description URL Method Required Properties for Request Sample Successful Response
Get all travelers http://localhost:3001/api/v1/travelers GET none object with travelers property containing an array of all travelers
Get single traveler http://localhost:3001/api/v1/travelers/<id> where<id> will be a number of a traveler's id GET none object of single traveler's info
Get all trips http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips GET none object with trips property containing an array of all trips
Get all destinations http://localhost:3001/api/v1/destinations GET none object with destinations property containing an array of all destinations
Add new trip http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips POST {id: <number>, userID: <number>, destinationID: <number>, travelers: <number>, date: <string 'YYYY/MM/DD'>, duration: <number>, status: <string 'approved' or 'pending'>, suggestedActivities: <array of strings>} {message: 'Trip with id <id> successfully posted', newTrip: <Object with trip info just posted>}
Add new destination http://localhost:3001/api/v1/destinations POST {id: <number>, destination: <string>, estimatedLodgingCostPerDay: <number>, estimatedFlightCostPerPerson: <number>, image: <string>, alt: <string>} {message: 'Destination with id <id> successfully posted', newDestination: <Object with destination info just posted>}
Modify single trip http://localhost:3001/api/v1/updateTrip POST {id: <number>, status:<String of 'approved' or 'pending', suggestedActivities: <Array of strings>} Only a status or a suggestedActivities property is required for a successful request {message: 'Trip #<id> has been modified', updatedTrip: <Object with newly updated data>}
Delete single trip http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips/<id> where<id> will be a number of a trip's id DELETE none Trip # has been deleted


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