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This is the Turing MentorSHIP project. It is written in Rails 5.



Add yourself to this list if you helped.

  • Mark Miranda (1602)
  • Josh Washke (1602)
  • Christopher Soden (1603)
  • Parker Phillips (1603)
  • Megan Talbot (1608)
  • John Kimble (1608)
  • Vido Seaver (1608)
  • Ben Pepper (1608)


  • git clone
  • cd MentorSHIP
  • bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Running / Development

So because of the Oauth Census had to use there are special instructions for running a local server. The easiest way to exapline this is to tell you to go here. This walkthrough will get you set up to run a local HTTPS server so you can test locally.


Travis CI is a continuous integration tool that receives a webhook everytime you update a branch to a repo you've told it to follow. It deploys your application for each branch you pull request and runs your tests. If either of those things fail (deploying or tests) you will see a red X next to your pull request. Clicking the In order to have it work you must have a travis.yml file.

The following is in our .travis.yml which essentially acts as a travis config and lives in your root directory. For more info go here

  language: ruby
    - 2.3.0
    - bundle exec rake db:setup
    - bundle exec rspec
  cache: bundler
    - postgresql
    postgresql: "9.4"


During development we mostly ran our our app from the development branch on our staging server on heroku. Its available here.

Our production app is here:

The main gotchya's on heroku are making sure to

#in console

$ rake assets:clobber
$ rake asssets:precompile
# then recommit and push

The other one is make sure your config variables for heroku are set to the same as your as in your application.yml file. And set them the same in Travis. Otherwise travis will fail, heroku requests to census will break and nothing will work and you will cry.

Reach out to me (@vidoseaver) via email if you need anything. Peace.

Where are the apps?

To get access to both of the above reach out to your Project Manager / Project Owner and they will add you to the app.


  • To run the tests:
  • bundle exec rspec

Important notes for seed file

  • to populate the seed file with mentors we hit the Census API with a unique access token. This token expires every 90 days. The current token was generated on 02/08/2017. If you are trying to run rake db:seed after 05/08/2017 you will need to OAuth in first and get a new access token. We have set up the seed to take an environment variable. We recommend using the figaro gem to help set up the appication.yml file.

To create a new token do the following. The hacky/easy way is to place a pry in Session#create at the top. Then boot your thin server (See Running / Development for details) and log in with Census. Once you log in you will hit the pry and in params find your unique access token. Then update your CENSUS_ACCESS_TOKEN with this token and you will be all set.

Environment variables needed

  • In the root of the project is an application.yml.sample file. This file contains all environment variables we are using in this project. We didn't push keys (for obvious reasons) but wanted to make sure any future teams knew which variables they needed to use.

CensusService info

  • We are currently taking in info from the mentor dashboard edit and using it to update both our database and Census' database. At this point our database updates correctly and passes the necessary info for Census to the method. It doesn't make a connection to the census api yet (too late in the mod to accomplish this). You will have to work with Census to make sure this end point{id}, params.to_json is hooked up before you can submit. We have already posted a PR to Census that will tell them the type of data and structure to expect so building it out shouldn't be too much work.


Current Schema



Get all mentors with completed profiles

Example Request:


Example Response:

  "mentors": [
      "id": 1,
      "avatar": "",
      "name": "mentor 0",
      "email": "",
      "phone_number": "555-555-5555",
      "slack_username": "mentor0",
      "location": "Denver",
      "timezone": "MT",
      "bio": "Former Student, current mentor!",
      "expertise": "Rails, Javascript, Postgres",
      "company": "Turing",
      "position": "Senior Developer",
      "last_active": "2 days ago"
      "id": 2,
      "github_avatar": "",
      "name": "mentor 1",
      "email": "",
      "phone_number": "555-555-5555",
      "slack_username": "mentor1",
      "location": "Denver",
      "timezone": "MT",
      "bio": "Former Student, current mentor!"
      "expertise": "Rails, Javascript, Postgres",
      "company": "Turing",
      "position": "Senior Developer",
      "last_active": "2 days ago"

Get a single mentor by ID

Example Request:


Example Response:

  "mentor": {
    "id": 1,
    "github_avatar": "",
    "name": "mentor 0",
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "555-555-5555",
    "slack_username": "mentor0",
    "location": "Denver",
    "timezone": "MT",
    "bio": "Former Student, current mentor!",
    "expertise": "Rails, Javascript, Postgres",
    "Company": "Turing",
    "Position": "Senior Developer",
    "last_active": "2 days ago"


Rails backend API for MentorShip site






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