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James Culbertson edited this page Jul 25, 2016 · 4 revisions


Perform the following steps to install the application:

  1. Download the latest version from Releases.
  2. Extract the zip or tar file.
  3. Go to the extracted go-ping-sites directory.
  4. Copy config_sample.toml to config.toml.
  5. Edit the config.toml to provide your email SMTP credentials, Twilio (text message) credentials, and Website settings. In particular it is recommended to change CookieKey to a different value and set SecureHTTPS to true for production usage.
  6. Copy db-seed_sample.toml to db-seed.toml.
  7. Edit db-seed.toml to setup the initial sites to ping and contacts to notify about downtime. These can be edited later in the application website.
  8. Run the application.
> go-ping-sites
  1. Go to the website at localhost:port (the port that was provided in the config.toml) and login as user admin with the password adminpassword.
  2. Go to the Profile tab and change the admin password.

For further information on deploying the application on a production web server please refer to Deployment