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TPP Stream Release

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@tustin2121 tustin2121 released this 20 Aug 19:11
· 92 commits to master since this release

The version played on stream when they got to the E4!

Note: This isn't the definitive version, but it is the guaranteed version. There might be a later release with more bug fixes and more things added later. Also note that this is the TPP build, with things like the gender selection tug-of-war and forced nicknaming intact.

Apply to an unmodified English Emerald ROM. The following sha1 sums should match. You will need to use a BSP patcher, such as this one:

f3ae088181bf583e55daf962a92bb46f4f1d07b7  pokeemerald.gba
7ed9ca13716ddddc22a398fda532ef670095dc49  trihardemerald.gba (Normal Version)
8946fc25d184052c601d46fe7a9a91fa11e775a2  trihardemerald.gba (TPP version)

Update 2019-08-28: Built and added the Non-TPP version of the ROM, which removes things like the gender selection tug of war, forced nicknaming, and some level adjustments. The original BSP release is renamed to include _tpp.

Update 2019-12-03: Some cheat codes have been developed for the game, and can be found here.